At Home Archives - IFSG International Feng Shui Guild Tue, 17 Oct 2023 22:49:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 At Home Archives - IFSG International Feng Shui Guild 32 32 Feng Shui Bathrooms Fri, 05 May 2023 15:04:25 +0000

Feng Shui Bathrooms

Feng Shui Bathrooms

“My kids always perceived the bathroom as a place where you wait it out until all the groceries are unloaded from the car.”

— Erma Bombeck

Anyone else? 🙂

We wanted to start off this issue with humor, because there can be a lot of stress around bathrooms. For example, when you are remodeling: we think about design choices, layout, upgrading our home and getting the biggest bang for our buck. Bathrooms are often one of the most functional rooms in the house; the sanitation is super important to maintaining health and freedom from disease. And yet, did you know that nearly 60% of the world does not have access to a safe, clean toilet to manage waste? (Source UNICEF.)

So, we are dedicating this newsletter to the issues surrounding bathrooms. What about plants? What about the lid up or down? It’s all here from our experts. You might find some differing opinions – and that is absolutely ok. With the diversity in our membership, through their unique approaches and perspectives to Feng Shui – we don’t worry about it. There are a lot of ways to do something in Feng Shui. Even in preparing for this newsletter, we learned a few things we didn’t know before. How cool is that!

We always say, “take what resonates with you – and leave the rest.” So scroll on with that in mind…it’s a great collection of tips and insights into feng shui bathrooms. Enjoy!

See what we mean about differences and ways of doing feng shui…
“In classical feng shui, bathrooms are looked at as something that presses down luck. As such, they should not be made into feng shui shrines with flowers, plants, candles, and lots of decorating. In Black Hat, bathrooms are often enhanced with all manner of activators, such as fountains and flowers.

“In classical feng shui, bathrooms are typically viewed as the place where waste is eliminated, so plants should not be placed here to symbolically “grow in waste,” and the water here is draining water that has no prosperity value. Drains are recommended to be plugged at all times in Black Hat, which is always practical, whereas classical feng shui simply recommends that the bathroom door should be closed at all times.

Katie Weber, Red Lotus Letter

Myth Buster: Bathroom in the Wealth Gua

From Bridget Saraka, Feng Shui by Bridget

Below photo note from Bridget: This vignette is over our en suite loo. The bathroom is not in wealth, but is designed as if it was. 🙂

Source: Bridget Saraka, Feng Shui BathroomQ: “I just read that a bathroom in the wealth Gua is bad Feng Shui! We can’t catch a break!”

So let’s look at this thought process and let’s be grateful that you have indoor plumbing and you are not having to run out in the middle of the night to the outhouse in minus 45 degrees celsius.

From a Feng Shui perspective there is no good place to have an indoor bathroom. But there are certain Guas that are less challenging than others. The reason that feng shui is concerned about indoor bathrooms is the effect water and plumbing has in both the environmental energy and health of the residents.

Water is seen as the flow of money and abundance. Think liquidate assets, cash flow. So, toilets and plumbing fixtures are considered potential avenues of money loss. A toilet lid that is up is best closed to stop the loss of cash. Shower curtains are best closed to mitigate the same.

I prefer toilet lids down for esthetician and cleanliness reasons. You do know what gets dumped in there right? I also prefer shower curtains drawn for design purposes. A beautiful shower curtain is much more appealing than the inside of a tub and shower unit.
A bathroom can feel opulent and the fact that a bathroom reno can cost 10,000 minimum should indicate that it’s an excellent place to apply some decadent design details.

Even a small bathroom can look and feel amazing.

  • For a bathroom in the wealth Gua, choose a shower curtain that is floral, woodsy, has branches with leaves, striped or has earth tones.
  • Hang artwork that coordinates with the shower curtains. Avoid matching to specifically.
  • Install a beautiful light fixture. Again I love a chandelier in the bathroom.
  • Add a couple of real or faux plants.
  • Remember to think opulence and that your manifesting abilities starts with your alignment.
Feng Shui Bathrooms

What Bathroom Cluter Reveals

From Karen Kingston, Expert Clutter Clearing

Bathroom clutter is one of the most common types there is. It’s also one of the easiest to deal with, so it’s a good place to start when clutter clearing.

Bathroom Clutter, Karen Kingston

Photo Source: Karen Kingston

Your home is a mirror of yourself
A photo such as the one above is very revealing because it’s an external description of a person’s inner state. What’s on the inside is not always portrayed on the outside, but what’s on the outside is always a reflection of something on the inside.

The busyness of this bathroom mirrors the busyness of the owner’s life and also shows how stressful it is, with so many things to consider and cope with. It also shows how her life is running her instead of her running it. If this is how she starts her day, then much of her life will be out of control.

Simplifying the number of items she uses in her daily grooming and keeping them tidy and organized will give her a completely different approach to each day, which in turn will help her to take back control of other aspects of her life too.

What your bathroom says about you
The state of a person’s bathroom gives a very good insight into their level of self-care. So after reading this article, I invite you to walk into your bathroom and take a good look at it, as if you didn’t know whose bathroom it is. What does it say about you? If you share it with others, what does it say about you all?

***There is so much more to this story…read the whole thing and see how the transformation of this bathroom took place, more lessons learned, and how managing and being intentional with your bathroom clutter can give you a calm and ordered start to each day will make you look and feel better too. Read the full article….

Feng Shui Bathrooms

Now, let’s hear from two consultants who have different thoughts and approaches on bathrooms (and toilets) and Feng Shui.

What they have in common: there is nothing to fear – nothing to stress over. 🙂

Feng Shui Bathroom Basics

From Laura Morris, Morris Feng Shui and Mindful Design Feng Shui

Laura presents the basics of Feng Shui bathrooms from a Black Sect (BTB) Feng Shui perspective, placing the bagua, and what to look for and some adjustments you can make.

Toilets and Feng Shui; Fact or Superstition?

From Candice Berlanga, Learn Feng Shui Now

Candice addresses one of the biggest questions and concerns in Feng Shui: toilet placement from a Classical Feng Shui perspective. As with most subjects in Feng Shui, the toilet is misunderstood. Can a toilet “drain your wealth” or affect your relationship? There is an origin to these beliefs that stem from ancient times!

Feng Shui Bathrooms, in the mainstreamIn the mainstream, from

Down the Drain: 7 Feng Shui Mistakes You’re Making in the Bathroom

Featuring consultants Ping Deters, Anjie Cho, and Kim Julen…simple tips anyone can choose to use in your bathrooms. Read the full article…

Final Thoughts: Transforming an Office into a Glamorous Soaking Tub Room

From Julie Ann Segal, Metro Interiors
Maybe you don’t have the ability to transform an existing bathroom into the dream space you desire. Have you ever thought of reclaiming a space from another part of the house. Much simpler than adding on to an existing building, renovating and thinking outside the box to transform a room with one purpose into a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT purpose is a cool way to create the dream that you love.

It’s also a great demonstration that as time moves on, our lives and needs change. Being open to those changes, seeing them with feng shui eyes, and then taking action – often with a delightfully creative designer like Julie Ann – can make all the difference!

Click here to see the dramatic before’s/after’s that Julie created for her client.

BONUS: You will be inspired to look at every room (and closet) in your world in new ways.

This newsletter published May 4, 2023.  Want more like this?  Click here to subscribe and receive our monthly articles, tips, and best feng shui guidance from the experts at the IFSG – FREE in your inbox each month!

Creating a Home for Your Soul Tue, 21 Feb 2023 23:55:03 +0000

Creating a Home for Your Soul

How do you start to create a home that is truly for your soul?  One direction would be to consider Feng Shui.  Find out more from LuAnn Cibik, founder of Inner Harmony Feng Shui; teacher, consultant, and lover of all things energy, nature, and feng shui.

There are so many different types and forms of Feng Shui, but they all have the same goal. 

That goal is to enrich, enhance, and make your life the life you want it to be. Now, many times, those of us who love Feng Shui – we read a lot of Feng Shui books and we get involved with a lot of details of five elements and the bagua.  But sometimes the most important things you can do include some basic, powerful steps to create your home as a home for your soul. 

One of the things that I find most powerful with so many of my clients is that in looking at creating a home for the soul, we have four different key areas. And a lot of times they are missing one of those key areas. So even though they’re doing some corrections, enhancements  and wonderful things in that area, it still doesn’t make me feel like it perfectly supports them and their life because they’re missing one of those four key areas.So, let’s talk about those those four key points so that you can take a look at your home and see if you are maybe out of balance in that area. 

So, the first key item is that your home needs to make it feel like you belong there. Now that is a huge area to take a look at. That is everything from when you walk in the front door. 

  • Does it represent who you are? 
  • Does it represent your goals, your values, your interests, your hobbies? 
  • Are there pictures of your beloved’s in there, your family, your your friends, your pets, your totem animals, whatever it is. 
  • Does it reflect who you are? 

So many times people go with a trend. And there’s a very minimalist trend right now, which is cool. But it creates a space that is devoid of personality that doesn’t feel like YOU in there. Then it’s not ever going to really feel like your home. So you could still have a minimalist space. But take a look at those key things that are on display. Are they just what cool thing you saw on Pinterest or are they something that truly reflects you? 

And that could be anything from a favorite color that you use as an accent. It could be a picture of a place that you adored going. It could be something that represents you and your family heritage, anything that would connect you to that home and give you that sense of yes, you belong here. You also want to look at those things for everyone who lives there, do they all have a place to sit at the table? Is there a place for everyone? Because if we don’t actually create that place for everyone, there’s a sense that somebody doesn’t belong. 

So be a detective – take a look at your home. See if you have everyone represented who lives there, and a sense that they belong. Your family could be the traditional kind of family members or your family could be your four-legged friends. Everybody needs to have their place and feel like they belong.

Second, is that your home or your space needs to connect to nature. And I’m sure you know, you’ve heard the term biophilic design and that’s where we’re pulling representation of nature into our homes. It’s because as human beings, that part of us really relaxes the best when we’re around things from nature ; as architects and designers are finding out more and more. That’s the way to create this design that makes us really feel at home.

Now, how do you do that in your home? There are lots of ways. 

  • You can use colors that are from the nature around your home. So for a color scheme, look outside, walk outside, see what color the actual earth is, what color the bark of the trees are, the leaves of the trees, the things that are in your natural surroundings. As you start to pick those up and bring them into your home, it connects your home with nature. 
  • Another way to do that is through artwork in your home. Maybe you’re going to have pictures of favorite places in nature. Maybe your artwork is of animals or flowers. Maybe you incorporate that through the textures on artwork (not just artwork), of wallpaper, or designs on pillows, like think of all of those little ways that you can bring in that connection to nature. 
  • Of course, you can bring actual nature in, right? Rocks and stones and crystals. There is such an emphasis on live edge countertops, and having natural stone. All of those things bring nature into your home and it’s a great way to reflect that. 
  • Another way we can look at that is through the lighting in our homes.  Lighting can be as simple as opening up the blinds and the draperies so we let the sunlight in, or even choosing what kinds of light and lighting is within our homes through our light bulbs that give a more natural light. It also means taking a look at honoring the seasons in that way that we turn the lights down at night. So don’t keep all the lights blaring until you’re ready to go to bed, right? Start to decrease it at night so it feels like a more natural progression. And I’m talking about seasons. It’s also seasonal decorating, right? Keeping in line with what is going on outside and bringing that energy in. Those are all ways that you can connect your home to nature, no matter what your design style. 


The third key area might seem really obvious, and that is your home needs to feel safe. This is key! In that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we need to feel safe. 

But it’s more than just having locks on the doors. It is about feeling safe to be who you are. And so many times I see people creating their home so that when their acquaintances and friends come over that there’s nothing that might feel controversial in their home. But if you are somebody who adores oracle cards, you need to have a place in your home where you can do that. If you want to be a writer, then you need to create a space in your home that honors the fact that you are a writer. So feel free to be who you are in your home, it needs to be expressed. 

There are times when an individual is living in a family situation where they don’t even feel safe to be who they are within their own family. So, find that essence – maybe in a bedroom, in a closet. There’s a way to express who you are and be safe. This is a key to creating a home for yourself.

And the fourth key – and no less important – is sacred space. Your home should feel sacred. It should feel like a place where you and the divine can connect. So whether you do that through intention altars, or something else – you create sacred space for yourself. Your home should be a reflection of your belief and your spiritual beliefs as well. 

LuAnn Cibik is a Master Educator of Interior Alignment®, which is the Feng Shui and Space Clearing school founded by Denise Linn, well-known author and teacher. LuAnn has been a full time a Feng Shui professional since 2002.  And she is proud to be an active member of the Foundation Council for Interior Alignment® and past member of the IFSG Board. Prior to creating her own business, she worked in the corporate world in IT and healthcare.  She now runs her successful school, Inner Harmony,  teaching feng shui. soul coaching, space clearing and more through her online and onsite programs.

The Magical Nature of Plants Thu, 07 Apr 2022 01:11:00 +0000

The Magical Nature of Plants

Feng Shui reveals the everyday items around us that anyone can use to improve the energy of our homes, offices, and virtually any space we spend time in. One of the most powerful of these magical tools is plants. They not only raise the vibration of our space but gift us phenomenal health benefits. This article will guide you in choosing the right plants for your home by revealing their spiritual meaning and application.



Designing a space with the Five Elements – water, wood, fire, earth, and metal – is at the core of attaining balance in Feng Shui.

Indoor plants and flowers usher in the wood element, representing new life, growth, expansion, creativity, and raises chi. The color green also brings in rejuvenation for our bodies– new energy flow and health in the liver and gallbladder when live plants are added to the Feng Shui design.

Plants can help remedy undesirable design scenarios in Feng Shui. Placing live plants at corners will counteract negative energy. Setting a plant within three feet of your computer will filter electromagnetic energy. Bringing nature indoors will elevate the space.

Another beautiful benefit of incorporating plants into the home is the nurturing opportunities they gift us. Plants nurture us, and we consciously get to care for them. It’s a reflection of our inward ability to engage in self-care. Our plants are also an outward reflection of what is going on in our lives. I have seen this ring true in my life–my plants are always thriving, but recently as I was going through an incredibly stressful season, I noticed my orchids began to wilt and fade. Beloved, it is incredible how our environment often prompts us to look within and ensure we are pausing and tending to the things in our bodies and lives are getting the care they deserve.

Use the nine Bagua areas to guide how plants will serve you and those that frequent those spaces as you map out your indoor “garden.”

Family (Zhen): promote support in your family life. Use wooden containers and keep them to foliage plants — no flowers.

Wealth (Xun): usher in more prosperity. In the southeast area, you also want wooden containers. Try four pots of purple African violets, purple orchids, or purple coleus, and you should attract plenty of wealth and material abundance.

Health (Tai Qi): encourage restoration in your life. Don’t have too many plants in the center of your home to maintain traffic flow and avoid negative energy.

Helpful People (Qian): activate energies to ask others for support. Grow silver-leaved plants in earthenware or metal containers.

Children (Dui): encourage growth for any offspring or projects. Grow silver-leaved plants in earthenware or metal containers.

Knowledge (Gen): support expansion of self-knowledge and self-cultivation.

Fame and Reputation (Li): increase your popularity and recognition. Grow plants with red, purple, orange, peach, or pink flowers in wooden containers.

Career (Kan): boost wisdom and prosperity in your career. Place your plant in a black ceramic container or a metal container, such as silver, brass, or copper.

Partnership (Kun): encourage closeness and thoughtfulness in relationships. Place plants in earthenware containers with yellow, red, pink, or white flowering plants. Two plants are a good number here as it represents “pairs.”

Read more about the bagua. 


Generally, the primary plants to avoid in Feng Shui are cacti or anything with sharp points. You also want to steer clear of having dead plants or flowers in your space as they represent the loss of vitality. It’s lovely to welcome just about any green plant into your area, but I’m including some of my favorites for you here:

Areca Palm (Scientific Name:  Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)

Removes:  All tested indoor air toxins.
Benefits:  Very popular and easy to care for plants.  Leaves have a gracious flow that will soften the energy of any home or office space.
Placement: East, South-East, South, and North directions.

Bamboo Palm (Scientific Name: Chamaedorea Seifrizii)

Removes: Benzene. Trichloroethylene. Formaldehyde.
Benefits:  Adds a peaceful, tropical feeling to any environment. Most resistant to insect infestation.
Placement: east or southeast corner

Rubber Plant (Scientific Name:  Ficus Robusta)

Removes: Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
Benefits:  Will survive in dim light and tolerate cool temperatures.  Excellent ability to remove toxins from any indoor environment.
Placement: Place in a corner to soften the sharp angles. The wealth corner of the home is especially suitable.

English Ivy (Scientific Name: Hedera Helix)

Removes: Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
Benefits: Another hardy plant can soften and lower the chi flow as needed. Easy to grow, very adaptable, except for high temperatures.
Placement: Trailing vines of ivy help soften any “poison arrows” that point at you where you sleep or work.

Money Tree (Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica)

Benefits: Good for enhancing abundance
Placement: Best when placed in the bedroom, office, or wealth corner of your home.


Are you a gardener?

Being in communion with the earth through gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. As you plant your garden this year or provide Feng Shui consultations, keep the symbolic meaning of plants in mind. Remember, gardens are an extension of the home.

  • Balance the five elements: fire, earth, water, wood, and metal into the landscaping. Doing so will harmonize and balance your garden.
  • Choose plants that are plentiful and look vibrant. Great colors to incorporate into your garden are plants with red, purple, and royal blue flowers.
  • Plant flowers with soft leaves, and avoid plants with thorns, spines, or pointy leaves, especially by the front entrance area. This will keep away the positive energy.

Plants Representing The Fire Element
Japanese Maple
Japanese Red Cedar
Red camellia
Boxwood Shrub

Plants Representing The Water Element
Snake’s Beard
Sweet Potato Vine

Plants Representing The Wood Element
Pine Tree
Medicinal Herbs

Plants Representing The Metal Element
White Hydrangeas
Many species of hostas
White Mums
Dogwood Tree

Plants Representing The Earth Element
Japanese Laurel
River Birch
Ginkgo Biloba Tree

Before You Go

Bringing plants indoors is a guaranteed way to increase the positive energy of your home or workspace. Enjoy serving clients by optimizing their spaces with living plants and flowers.

Amanda Sophia is a Feng Shui Master, Celtic Priestess & Self-love guide. She founded the International Feng Shui School and training program. She also founded the Priestess Awakening School, a year-long journey of The Celtic Wheel that leads participants inward to discover, cultivate, and embody their authentic wisdom and power. Find out more.

The Power of Plants Wed, 06 Apr 2022 14:35:00 +0000

The Power of Plants

Plants are far more beneficial than just beautiful blooms, decorative foliage or exotic luxuries. They provide our basic needs of shelter, food and medicine, as well as evocative aromas to please our senses. They will support, calm and nourish us, cleanse the atmosphere and replenish it with oxygen. In Western terms they are vital essentials for our healthy living.

Used in Feng Shui, the wood energy of indoor plants unites us with the natural environment, harmonising, balancing and replenishing our well-being. The earth they grow in and the colour of their flowers and containers can also be used elementally. Plants and cut flowers can be creatively placed in specific living areas to complement decor and visual aesthetics, ultimately to enhance the mood and welfare of the occupants.

In a 1995 study at Oxford Brooks University, it was found that when plants were introduced into certain rooms, people chose to occupy those rooms more often and they preferred to sit where they could see the plants. They reported lower levels of stress or anxiety and faster recovery from mental fatigue. Interiors were perceived to be more stylish, luxurious and cared-for. These findings will hardly be surprising to Feng Shui practitioners.

It is scientifically established that houseplants have sophisticated health-promoting and life sustaining eco-systems which replenish oxygen, rehydrate the atmosphere and absorb airborne pollutants. Whilst seeking to create a life support system for their space programme, scientists at the NASA investigated how the planet produces and sustains fresh air. Their research revealed a mutually beneficial relationship between plants and human life and found that houseplants would purify and revitalise air in sealed chambers.

Most plants release oxygen during the day, so placing a plant near a work desk helps to revive both performance and mood. Orchids are an exception, they release oxygen at night so these romantic plants are ideal in a bedroom. Breathing on a plant gives it carbon dioxide which it beneficially converts into oxygen to refresh the atmosphere. By releasing water vapour from their leaves, plants help to re-humidify indoor environments, thereby reducing respiratory infections. This therapeutic process also creates mini-convection currents of air movement, a logical explanation of why plants are so effective in Feng Shui to generate qi and vital life energy.

Sick Building Syndrome caused by atmospheric toxins and bio-effluents can be alleviated by introducing groups of vigorous, healthy indoor plants. During studies, plants exposed to environmental pollutants were expected to reach their absorption capacity after a while and die, but some increased their ability to remove toxins and actually thrived. It seems airborne microbes and contaminants were absorbed through the leaves, taken down to the root system and biodegraded by micro-organisms in the soil around the roots to create a source of nutrients for them and for the plant itself.

These fascinating discoveries have been recorded by Dr B.C.Wolverton in his book ‘Eco-Friendly House Plants’, in which he describes the health-promoting properties of fifty key therapeutic house plants, all beautifully illustrated and many of them firm Feng Shui favourites.

  • The graceful Areca palm is rated highest for removing all tested toxins.
  • The popular Peace lily absorbs formaldehyde, photocopier emissions and other chemical vapours, making it an excellent plant for the workplace.
  • Boston ferns are champions at regulating humidity.

Indoor plants really appreciate tender loving care.

  • Mist them with lukewarm water to clean their leaves – their lungs- and to prevent the tips from drying out and turning brown. Better still, give them a shower if you can manage that.
  • Keep the water in cut flower vases fresh and clean to support you well.
  • Remove all ailing leaves and blooms, avoid prickly plants or droopy leaves.
  • Amethyst and clear quartz crystals placed near plants or cut flowers have been found to help them to stay fresher, grow stronger and live longer.

Vibrant healthy indoor plants and flowers make places look and feel more welcoming, promote enjoyable feelings of relaxation and wellness and encourage better concentration; you cannot have too many of them. Plants thrive by living in proximity with us, enhancing health and well-being, uplifting minds, bodies and spirits, whilst connecting us peacefully with the natural world. If only they could talk, what a wealth of valuable knowledge they could impart to us.

Watch Sylvia’s  ‘The Power of Plants’ video presentation at a Feng Shui Society conference

Sylvia Bennett is an accomplished Feng Shui master, international consultant, writer and teacher in practice for over 25 years, based in the UK and working globally. She is also a Royal Institute of British Architects ( RIBA) affiliate member and an environmental designer.  Find out more.

Where Can I Put my Chair? Thu, 24 Feb 2022 15:48:00 +0000

Where Can I Put my Chair?

Where does this go?  Where can it go?  Feng Shui isn’t all about moving furniture.  But there are components to it that require looking at the physical layout.

Feng Shui is an art and science – with many perspectives and approaches depending on the school.  It’s about energy, placement, balance, and yes, sometimes about a chair.

There are some simple things to consider when arranging a room.

Give yourself or your guests the command position.  Face the door or the entry to a room.  Do not put yourself in a vulnerable position by having your back to the door.  If this is absolutely not possible, consider a mirror or other reflective piece to give that look behind.

Remember, Feng Shui is thousands of years old.  Times were different.  And the command position is based on the concept of not letting your enemies sneak up on you.  Give yourself a view of the door. Hint: it’s good if the dog loves it.

Consider the flow of traffic.  Sometimes when we are arranging our space to create those little conversation nooks, we neglect to consider the traffic flow.  Can you move freely through the space?  And be critical here.  Your feng shui eyes are open now – don’t keep looking at your space with the old you in place.  It’s a cute little grouping but a bit tight into the kitchen; that sort of thing.  Shifts in a space happen when you let go of the “should” zone.

Think about it this way.  Right now, you have a chair that is “in the way.”  You don’t know what to do, don’t know how to move it.  It’s always been there.  But there is a niggle in your brain that says, um no.  The energy in your space becomes bogged down and darker than it needs to be.  How about move it to another room?  Maybe, move it temporarily and see how you feel?  Check it in the new room.  Maybe this shift gives you a chance to like that chair even better!  Maybe it creates a new nook where you never expected it.  Change – even if it’s not your favorite thing – is necessary.  Absolutely necessary.

Does it fit?  We often see matching sets of furniture.  You know what we are talking about.  The couch, loveseat and recliner.  Love the look in the store – but oops, the proportions are off.  It’s a bit crowded.  Over-crowded rooms, rooms with bigger furniture or too many pieces of furniture feel claustrophobic or cluttered – and we know what clutter does in feng shui.  It can keep you stuck.  The goal of every room is to allow energy and the people to move freely and easily through the entire space.  If you can’t do that, then the nurturing energy won’t flow either.

Consider the esthetics.  Is it comfortable?  Is it safe:  are the legs and/or arms secure, can you sit comfortably without feeling like you are toppling?  Does it match your style or vibe?  Did it come from someone you no longer resonate with or from a time in your life that you are letting go?  [If the answer to any of those questions is no, then it’s ok to let it go.  And even if you think you “should” keep it – there are very few should in feng shui.  If you don’t love it – someone else might.  Thrifting is hugely popular now – what’s old is now new again.]



Feeling overwhelmed about your space?  Need help understanding the traffic flow?  Things feel stagnant or you just can’t put your finger on why your space doesn’t make you feel the way you want?  We have consultants – just right for you!  Click the button to start searching!

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Entrance is the Qi to Your House Thu, 05 Aug 2021 22:46:34 +0000

Entrance is the Qi to Your House

Entrance is the Qi to Your House

The main entrance of a home is not just a means of entering the house. It is considered to be the ‘gateway that leads to victory and abundance in life. The main entrance is one of the most important areas of one’s home – it is an entry point to the Qi flowing into the house, also called Qi mouth.  Learn more from Chaitanya (Tanya) Yellapu about why the entrance to your home or space is the connection to life and abudance.

Our homes may have multiple entrances apart from our front door. There might be the door of a garage, a back door, and/or a side door. While it isn’t ‘wrong’ to have more than one entrance, what matters is what we use the most. We don’t want the energy to get confused. So we focus on one single entry. For good feng shui it is also important to know the direction or facing of the front door; because each entry point has a different energy, influencing the house and people living in it.

We all want to gather the auspicious Qi coming into the house. Therefore, here, you will find tips to help you create good feng shui in your main entry.

  • First, look at the forms. Do you have good soft flowing water or virtual water (roadways) near the door for the house to collect the Qi?
  • How are the mountain ranges?
  • How are your surroundings? Are they peaceful?
  • Check for any poison arrows; if you do have any, try to block them.
  • Check for any T or Y junctions and even scissor Sha. There are various methods to block this kind of Sha.
  • Rather than having a straight walkway to the house, it’s advisable to have a meandering walkway.How are the trees and plants in front of your door? Ensure they are not blocking the entrance door. For that instance, make sure nothing is blocking the entrance, be it a tree, lamppost, or a pillar.
  • Make sure your door is visible from the road.
  • It’s good to have a nice Ming Tan or bright hall in front of the house for the energy to be collected.
  • It would help if you took care of the front door’s appearance and functioning of your home. Also, make sure that you clean the front door every once in a while and replace the worn-out entrance mat.
  • According to the direction of your entrance door, you can pick the perfect color for the main door based on the location and the Flying Stars.
  • Your entrance door should not be too big or too small. It should be according to the size of the home.
  • As soon as you enter the house through that door, it should open up to ample space; you can opt for a rug to help define the home’s entrance. Make sure there are no poison arrows or blockages as soon as you enter.
  • Cramped spaces, blocked entrances, dustbins, or dying plants at the doorway are not encouraged.
  • Create a space where the energies are allowed to flow freely throughout the home. You must remove all those extra objects from the entrance of your home and make it more inviting for the energies that you wish to enter, just like we want to join a house that feels welcoming.

These are few tips on how to bring abundance into your life regularly:

  • Open the front door imagining the positive energy flowing in, and leave it open for a few minutes.
  • Clean your entrance door with some soapy water, salt, and orange essential oil.
  • Decorate the entrance of the house; make it inviting but don’t overdo it.
Entrance is the Qi to your House

Chaitanya YellapuChaitanya (Tanya) Yellapu is an Internationally trained and recognized Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics consultant. She is an accomplished Vedic astrologer and Vasthu Shilpa Shastra practioner. Her primary focus has always been to help others holistically. She has brought a life full of happiness, love, and health to her clients for years. Website:

Building Your Home with Feng Shui Principles Thu, 06 Aug 2020 20:47:51 +0000

Building Your Home with Feng Shui Principles

Building Your Home with Feng Shui Principles

Feng Shui can be applied to many areas of your home including the entire floor plan, a room, or even a single piece of furniture.  Building a home?  Feng Shui on a vacant lot?  Absolutely.  Find out more from Carole Hyder.

Most Feng Shui consultants will agree that the “typical” appointment they facilitate takes place in someone’s existing home. The client may have just moved in, or are thinking about remodeling, or they feel they just need a change.

However, that’s not to say that Feng Shui has no value if the house has not been built yet. Truthfully, it is never too early to engage a consultant. In fact, a consultant should be involved prior to any building and, if possible, prior to selecting the land on which the home will be built. 

Below are a few actions that I’ve learned are most beneficial to help when building a home that is meaningful and intentional.


  1. Opt for a square- or rectangular-shaped lot. These are the most stable and balanced shapes—which translates to a stable and balanced life.
  2. Ascertain that the lot is not at the end of a dead end or a cul de sac so that the ch’i can easily flow. Nor is it near a cemetery where the ch’i is too yin potentially creating a health issue.
  3. Consider doing a blessing on the land which could take the form of simply walking the property. It is a way of introducing yourself to the land and asking permission to live there. Walking the perimeter of the lot (if possible) is another way to claim the land. Spreading birdseed while you’re walking underscores the intention of growth and expansion. A Feng Shui consultant can assist with any of this or you may have your own ritual.



  1. Find the exact center point of your new home while it is still under construction. Place something in the ceiling (a special stone, a poem you’ve written, a photo, etc.) or draw something on the under-flooring at that exact point to mark the heaven-and-earth connection of your home.
  2. Place coins or money in each of the 4 corners of the structure before they’re sealed up with concrete. This is a message about abundance. How many or what they amount to is up to your discretion, however, the larger the dollar amount the stronger the intention. (I had a client who put the equivalent of $99 in each corner of their home—-never to be seen again. Just an idea!)
  3. Write a letter to your home outlining your goals and dreams for this new home and for your life and that of your family. Tuck it into the wall somewhere—or maybe that’s what you put in the center of your home. It doesn’t matter that you may never see it again.


The suggestions I’ve outlined above can be done privately when you’re feeling grateful, thoughtful, and excited about the prospects this new place will bring. You could also engage your family to be part of creating the energy of your new place.

When you work with your home in these very beginning building stages, it will become accustomed to your presence and your intentions. The payoff is that it will help you create not only a new home but also a new life.

Carole HyderCarole Hyder is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, teacher, author and trainer in the field of Feng Shui. Carole has been a Feng Shui consultant since 1992, having studied with His Holiness Grandmaster Thomas Lin Yun, Her Holiness Crystal Chu Rinpoche, and Roger Green. She founded the Wind and Water Center, formerly the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui, in 1998.

Landform Feng Shui: Siting Your House for Construction Thu, 06 Aug 2020 20:36:12 +0000

Landform Feng Shui: Siting Your House for Construction

Siting Your Home for Construction

Are you currently selecting a site for a new home or thinking of doing so in the future?  If so, then consider using the Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art and science of placement, to help you find the best property for your home construction and make the most of your investment. This 3,000 year-old tradition originally was used for the auspicious placement of government buildings and imperial palaces for Chinese emperors to assure their wealth, success, health and happiness. It is just as applicable in modern times, as you choose land to build your dream home.

A key component to site selection with Feng Shui is to find land with good “chi.” Chi means energy and the best sites have positive life force energy. Here are our top tips to help you identify good chi on your site and select a suitable site for your new home:

Vegetation: Look at the shrubbery and trees along with the animals that appear on the land. They should be healthy and vibrant.

Lot shape: Evenly shaped lots such as squares and rectangles are best as they allow for the most even distribution of chi energy.

Roads and Driveways: Roads with a meandering path are best as the chi can flow like a stream. This theory also applies  to driveways and walkways. Two-way traffic streets are best for locating your home. While one-way streets, dead end and cul-de-sacs are believed to contribute to stagnant or stuck chi.

The Facing Direction of Your Home: Feng Shui pays attention to the direction of a home in terms of power directions. These are the most favorable directions for you to face, sit or position yourself and are dependent upon your “Kua” number which is calculated through a formula based on your month, day and year of birth. Ideally, a home will face a top power direction for the head(s) of the household.

Water: It is considered very auspicious to have water at the front or facing side of the home. Think of the waterfront condos, lakeside homes or cities like Manhattan or San Francisco that sit on the water. The facing side of a home is defined as the most open view to the most open space.

Turtles and other animals: A turtle is symbolic of support and ideally every home should have a turtle behind it. This can literally be a hill or mountain behind the home. It can also be a tree line or another dwelling higher than the home. Other landform animals include the green dragon, the site line on the left side of the property, and the white tiger on the right side. The green dragon should be higher than the white tiger.  Planting a row of green hedges on the left side and shorter white Spirea on the right side can accomplish this if a site doesn’t naturally have the desired shape.

To be avoided: From a Feng Shui perspective, the experience of your property and home begins on the drive to it. Make sure the sights leading up to your property are pleasing. Keep away from high-tension wires, loud commercial business and overly trafficked streets.


The goal of selecting a site with Feng Shui for your construction project is to create a space in tranquil surroundings that support and empower you for years to come. So, take your time in selecting your site and explore all aspects of the property from aesthetics to convenience and safety. Best wishes for success!

About the authors
Linda EllsonLinda Ellson is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, owner of Feng Shui Your World and a Licensed Realtor®.  She is a graduate of the American School of Classical Feng Shui and has done Mastery level studies with global Feng Shui Masters Lillian Too Joey Yap Master TK Lee and space clearing with Karen Kingston. Linda has been a professional Feng Shui consultant and teacher for more than 14 years and student of metaphysical and spiritual studies for over 25 years.


Co-author, Joanne Miechowski is the happily retired former Marketing Director of Feng Shui Your World.

Better Home = Better Life But HOW? Fri, 24 Jul 2020 21:58:55 +0000

Better Home = Better Life But HOW?

Beautiful Home Beautiful Life by S Lee Wright.

It is a modern belief that if you have a beautiful home, you will have a beautiful life. The belief that you can improve your life by surrounding yourself with a prettier space is demonstrated in the media all the time – on TV, in books, magazines, online and even in stores.

You understand that you will be healthier, happier, have more money, make love more often, and of course just be a better, nicer and happier person if your space is nice and prettier to look at.

You heard this, you believe this, and now there are the BIG questions:

How do you get there as quickly, smoothly and peacefully as possible without losing money, time or your sanity? How to avoid the most disastrous mistakes that are always made on construction projects?

Right now, our world is starting to wake up to understand how our spaces and places deeply impact our wellbeing. This is great progress, though there is still seems to be one big hiccup. Most people only use one sense – the eyes – to appreciate spaces. This is a grave mistake leading to an imbalance in the creation of all spaces resulting in chaos internally plus ultimately dis-ease, dysfunction and dissatisfaction. This needs to be adjusted with a more sustainable perspective.

Feng Shui is about the mindful creation, arrangement and renovation of your environments in order to help you realign them for your best experience in this moment and going forward. It is a process and a practice.

Using Feng Shui during the journey of a home renovation will result in the realignment of the space, a more balanced approach and the sustainable end results will be the reward.

This is more than just using your eyes to make a pretty space, but using all your senses and elements to make a truly balanced space for a deeper sense of lasting joy.

There are some steps you can take to avoid these horrible stressors that robe you of the dream of your ideal home and a better life. There are some mindful things you can do to provide you with the pretty space you believe will result in a happier life, but also with the tools that will ensure that this is more than just skin deep. We want you to have a pretty space that has a solid foundation that truly gives you the dream life you so deserve while being in balance with all beings and the planet.

Below are some of the steps you can take on your journey of a mindful Home Renovation using Feng Shui. It is not exhaustive list, but it is a start. Start where you are.

Better Home S. Lee WrightINTENTION.
Discover your WHY. The power of your intention will have a deep impact on the success and process of creating your dream project. Feng Shui is about setting intentions and this is the first step in this process of your home creation. Not understanding your reason behind the renovation will often lead to changes in the middle of the project which result in loss of money and time. Start here and your foundation for the project will begin strongly.

Better Home S. Lee WrightPEN TO PAPER.
Write Down WHAT it is that you want to have. This is an obvious one, but in our increasingly hectic and rushed world, we often skip the obvious. Do not skip this. Write down exactly what you want to include in your project, what is essential to have and what are only the ‘nice to have’s’. This will allow you to save time later as and when you need to adjust due to time or budget reasons without having to dig deep into yourself for these answers. This also allows for all partners in the process having a say in it and being heard. If the space is to be shared, then it is best to make sure all family members participate in the process of creation.

Better Home S. Lee WrightCOLLABORATIONS.
Find your Dream Team and do not think you can DIY everything. Use professionals when needed and stop thinking that you are more capable to do it on your own. Our modern society has lied to us and told us that it was better to do things on our own and to be totally independent. This is not how the best of human creations have ever been done and your home renovation is no different. You are skilled in some things I am certain, though I am certain you are not skilled in everything. So finding others that have the skills you lack will help you to achieve what it is you are setting out to do. Plus the journey is much less lonely with a team than driving it solo.

Better Home S. Lee WrightOPEN YOUR WALLET.
No one wants to spend more money than necessary, however, in the arena of spending money on your home renovation, you need to realistic and honest about what the value of the project costs are. Create a realistic budget and keep in mind that this is your sacred space to keep you and your family safe, secure and to provide comfort and protection. What is this worth to you?

Skimping on products and materials in the space that is your ‘home’ seems to be counterintuitive to the ultimate goal of having a dream home. I suggest you ask yourself the question of whether the choice is a sustainable one and listen to your heart for the right answer. Also do not forget to include all costs in the budget so not to be shocked when the furniture delivery fees or temporary accommodation costs are required.

Better Home S. Lee WrightRITUALS & ROUTINES.
A home renovation is a journey and a process. There are steps that must be done, in a specific sequence and to go out of order will disrupt the process and often end in disastrous, and expensive fixes and re-dos. Follow the natural order of the cycle and what needs to be done in a sequence and you will be getting to your final destination quicker and less painfully. Do not rush the process and allow it to unfold as it is meant to, just like watching a garden grow. Rushing things only results in a poor harvest. I suggest you honor each step and cycle of the journey, recognizing it and celebrating the mini-successes along the way.

Better Home S. Lee WrightBALANCED DESIGN.
Making sure the design is more than just a pretty space is essential to the long-term success of the renovation. Both in the quality of the materials, fixtures, fittings and furnishings but also in the selection of these. Use of the Five Elements can often bring in a balanced and harmonic design element to your home that ensures you are not creating an environment that will be out of balance right away. Your choice of colors, shapes, materials and location of these will all work together to create the space and how it feels to live in it. Chose wisely.

Better Home S. Lee WrightYOUR ENERGY.
Home renovations are like doing surgery on your nest, so it is common that it causes discomfort and disorganized energy during the process. Recognition of this in advance can allow you to make some adjustments to your own energy management so you can maintain your own balance throughout the journey in a more calm, smooth and clear manner.

Taking the time to allow yourself time & space away from the project can allow you to regain your perspective and calm any high emotions so you can clearly proceed forward. Maybe taking a mini-holiday during the middle of the project will give you the much needed break to bring back the joy in the journey.

Better Home S. Lee WrightCLEANING & CLEARING.
After the construction is done, the space is cleaned in a physical manner since the job site will often still be dirty from the left-over materials and construction debris. This is the physical space that needs to be cleaned. This cleaning will also help to shift some of the energetic debris left over from the construction, however, it is much more powerful if you allow the process of a proper space clearing and blessing once the space is completed, the contractors are finished and have left. The space clearing can include a sage burning, salt bowl ritual or orange-peel ritual and I often include the ringing of bells to remove the disruptive vibrations from the construction process and brining in new ones. This ritual honors the journey of the renovation and celebrates the completion of the process.

Once your home is done it is important to review your own way of looking at the space and adjust your eyes to become more normalized again. During the home renovation process, we start to focus our attention on the details and often get obsessively involved on the little things. This can be helpful during the home renovation journey; however, it is not helpful in your life afterwards. You need to get a larger, more holistic view of your whole life, the whole planet and not fret on the little things. You will always see things you would do differently the second time around after a home renovation. This is normal and part of the life learning process. However, it is not something to reduce your joy, your success or your experience of being in your new home. Adjust your eyes to see the bigger picture with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude and your space will love you back. Don’t waste time sweating the small stuff but bask in the joy of your new space.

It’s not just another pretty space. ~ S. Lee Wright

S. Lee WrightS. Lee Wright's overall Vision is to help as many people as possible to understand the power of space to enhance and enrich their lives. Her mission is to teach them how to do this for themselves. As a licensed Interior Designer, certified Feng Shui expert, Lee collaborates to create spaces plus she hosts a series of online classes, exotic retreats, writes books, designs courses and offers lifestyle coaching. Lee is always seeking creative collaborations!

Baking bread = nurturing energy: and why we all knead more of it Fri, 24 Apr 2020 22:28:34 +0000

Baking bread = nurturing energy: and why we all knead more of it

Baking bread = nurturing energy

From Laura Morris, Mindful Design Feng Shui School and Morris Feng Shui

For the third week in a row my grocery store has been sold out of yeast. Yesterday in the baking section all the flour was gone, just empty shelves, in both of my local grocery stores. People are making bread, a lot of bread. The satisfaction of watching dough rise and nurturing it, keeping it warm and happy is very appealing. As a feng shui practitioner this makes so much sense to me. Bread making checks a lot of feng shui boxes for increasing positive vibes. Making dough is a simple and gentle act that allows us to feed our family, warm our kitchen, and it gives us the chance to create something.

“Measuring, kneading and shaping dough can be a balm for the anxiety that has accompanied the virus.” Washington Post

In feng shui, cooking, baking, and nurturing others with food is connected to the earth element. Very simply, the five elements are the basic elements of life: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. In the ancient practice of Feng Shui, these elements are more than actual flames, or dirt, or pieces of wood; it is about the qualities of the elements. You can think of the elements as universal energetic essences, each with their own flavor of energy (qi).

The earth element is stable, supportive, nurturing, and grounding. Think about the earth below your feet: it’s always there to support you. The earth element is also connected to nourishment and how we take care of ourselves. So you can see how making dough and baking is a great way to bring more earth energy into your life and home.

All this dough and bread making got me thinking; what are other ways we can bring this same nurturing energy into our homes. Here are 3 simple ways to bring more nurturing earth energy into your home:

1. Add peace to the centre of your home: the centre of your home is connected to the earth element. It is also where all other areas meet and represents overall well-being. Two simple ways to focus on the center of your home: try sitting in the centre of your bedroom, take nine slow inhales and exhales visualizing a golden light radiated around you (repeat this nine times). Anjie Cho has a lovely guided space clearing meditation that you can do here.

Virtual Space Clearing

You can also hang a feng shui crystal in the centre of your home or your bedroom. These leaded crystal balls modulate the qi and smooth the energy. Think of them as tiny, radiating suns. Set the intention to create ease and well-being as you place it.

Nurturing Energy, Crystals

2. Warm up your living room: adding accent lighting and warm colours like reds and oranges can cozy up a cold and gray corner. Reds and oranges represent the fire element and in the five element system fire supports earth.

Nurturing Energy plant seeds

3. Seed or plant some herbs: I have got the containers ready and will be ordering my plants for pick up. Working with the soil, digging, and planting connects us directly with the earth. It is therapeutic to get your hands dirty with potting soil and peat moss.

Let’s all find some ease, and lean into simple pleasures that make us feel grounded and nurtured. Make homemade bread, pizza dough, plant seeds, and then take a rest in your cozy living room with your family and watch some Netflix! PS. For all those bakers out there, I did finally find some yeast.

Nurturing Energy, food

Good news! I managed to find yeast.
I’m obsessed with making homemade pizza dough

Laura MorrisLaura Morris is the co-founder of Mindful Design Feng Shui School. She was the Feng Shui expert on the CBC’s popular lifestyle show Steven & Chris, and is also the author of Creating Change: 27 Feng Shui Design Projects to Boost the Energy in your Home. She previously served as the Board Chair of the International Feng Shui Guild.
