Unusual Problems and the Feng Shui Solutions that Worked, featuring Karen Rauch Carter

$ 12.00

Karen Rauch Carter, renowned Feng Shui expert and author shares some of her favorite stories from working with clients for more than 25 years and the unusual ways she solved their problems.  Delightful!

Karen lists some of her top unusual client stories and describes how she turned their lives around.

Karen Rauch Carter has the amazing ability to take the ancient art of Feng Shui and not only make it accessible and relevant, but make it fun! If you’ve read her national best-selling Feng Shui book Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life, or Make a Shift, Change Your Life you understand how she uses her light-hearted approach to writing and speaking to motivate her clients and audiences to rethink their surroundings in ways that improve their health, career, relationships, and more.

One Hour Pre-Recorded Presentation, from March 2023 live Feng Shui Summit hosted by the International Feng Shui Guild