What is Luck and How the Bagua Can Help, featuring Katie Rogers

$ 12.00

Feeling Lucky?  Improve your odds with this one hour prerecorded presentation from Katie.

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Feeling lucky? When you gain a deeper understanding of the bagua, learning the nuances of each gua, you can personalize your cures for a powerful effect. Katie helps you see the bagua with more clarity and walk you through a powerful exercise in this class so that you leave with a customized cure that guarantees you the best "luck."

Katie Rogers has been practicing Feng Shui for over 20 years and is certified in the Tibetan Black Hat tradition through the line of Grandmaster Lin Yun. She is the founder and lead instructor of the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui, where she offers a 9-month Feng Shui Odyssey, as well as practitioner certification.

One Hour Pre-Recorded Presentation, from March 2023 live Feng Shui Summit hosted by the International Feng Shui Guild