bagua Archives - IFSG International Feng Shui Guild Sun, 24 Mar 2024 22:43:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bagua Archives - IFSG International Feng Shui Guild 32 32 New Beginnings – The Ultimate Energy Vision Board Experience 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 22:30:00 +0000 In this extraordinary Energy Vision Board Workshop, we will blend the transformative magic of Feng Shui principles with the art of vision boarding.

🎹 Unleash Your Potential; Embrace Renewal: If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, or discouraged and are seeking to reignite your passion and purpose, this workshop offers a sacred space to cultivate a new vision for life. Say goodbye to stagnation and hello to boundless possibilities!

🌈 This is no ordinary vision board experience: If you’ve done vision boarding before, you’re going to be amazed at the difference a little Feng Shui makes.; think turbo-charged!  

đŸŒș This is a fascinating and fun,  intensive, all-in full weekend experience that may just change the trajectory of your life!

Here’s the schedule..

Thurs 2nd & Fri 3rd May: 5:30-8pm ET

Sat 4th & Sun 5th May: 9:30am – 4:30pm ET

(For maximum results, attendance at all sessions is advised.)

đŸŒș Are you ready to change your life? There’s no better time than right now. 

Early Bird specials!

30% off on April 1 (24hrs only)

20% off from April 2-10

10% off from April 11-20

See you soon!



Find Your Prosperity Through Feng Shui Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:00:03 +0000

Find Your Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

 “In every crisis, there is opportunity.”
~~Chinese Proverb


How do we cope, we may ask; and the Feng Shui replies “by creating our environment to be our constant source of inspiration and rejuvenation.”

So, let’s go right into the practical aspects.

First, let’s talk about the Prosperities Treasure Map.
There are eight steps of how we can bring prosperity into our life through the Bagua Map. The Bagua Map is sort of like a treasure map of Feng Shui. It uses the directions and the forms connecting to nature. Wealth of prosperity is the fruit, but in order to reach the fruit, we need to go through steps, just like the growth of a tree.

So the first step, strength to give and receive through health. Before we think about prosperity, and health and wealth; we have to look at the health of our body or mind. And we have to look at how we can restore that. And we restore that by looking at how we treat our body, inside and outside. In terms of insight, it is looking at the five elements of our food, the balanced way of our food. And for the outside, we balance the five elements in our physical space.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Above shows two images illustrating the health remedies and tools. The health on the Bagua Map is always connected with family because with support we can foster health. The family pictures on the left support the family energy.  Also, health is connected to the wood element. From the image on the right, we see that the wood element is represented with plants, or using wood to decorate the house, even wood flooring. Introducing wood or living plants into our space is a very important element into bringing health into our life.

The second step of prosperity is clarity.   Focusing on health before any other steps, such as decluttering, is intentional.  Once we do the work to improve our health, we’ll have enough energy and strength to declutter our house. Having clarity gives us space in our mind to bring new ideas and thoughts. And so, clarity is the second point in bringing the prosperity in to our life.

I’m showing clarity through the center of the Bagua Map – also the center of the house. For decluttering, it is always good to start with center; keeping the center empty.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

As you see in the above images, you’ll see that the center of the house is spacious and empty. If we can start by decluttering and creating a peaceful space in the middle of the house, and then we can start to declutter the rest of the rooms. But the first step is to declutter the center.

Next, once we have our house decluttered and we have improved our health, step three of the prosperity plan is to grow your knowledge. In Feng Shui on the Bagua Map knowledge is also connected to spirituality. There are many reasons why the Bagua has interconnected topics such as knowledge connected to spirituality. One of the reasons is that once you start studying or acquiring knowledge, you realize what you do not know.  Understanding what we do not know brings openness and possibilities for spiritual knowledge.  In step three, we apply Feng Shui by creating spaces where we can study, we can acquire knowledge, or corners that we can read, for example.

Once we acquire knowledge, we move into the fourth step of prosperity, which is openness, or having an open mind to accept and embrace differences. Once we accept and understand differences, we become open to creativity and new ideas.  This step is also about awareness and curiosity. Being aware and curious, a creative flow of ideas starts to come to our mind. With creative thoughts, we can create a business idea, or a career path, or a wealth acquiring idea.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

With knowledge and openness, we opened our mind to creative thoughts.  Visual clues or visual Feng Shui is helpful in spaces.  For example, you might introduce the Feng Shui metal element into your space. Look at white Selenite shown above as crystals are considered to be the metal element. And once we start implementing elements into our house that are relevant, they start to naturally give us the inspiration to acquire knowledge and creativity. Additionally, we might carve out a creative corner in our space where we can brainstorm and make ideas.

The fifth step is connection. There is great power in connection, essentially creating connections with others, because people help each other.  We can help each other grow. We can help each other create a career. We can help each other acquire wealth.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

And as shown in the above Bagua Map, there are two guas which are relevant to connection. The first one is Relationships and Marriage, and the second one is Helpful People and Travel.

In these guas, we remember people we know, communicate with them, share our thoughts, and look at how we can connect and make business work or career path work.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The above are a couple of images related to relationship and marriage. Using meaningful décor elements at home can give us inspiration to connect with another person, creating a harmonious relationship.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Other examples for travel and helpful people include the above.  Cushions that are purchased through travel or maps of special places. Implementing ideas like this while decorating our house, with elements of travel and connection to people, we can naturally create connection to help us go to the next step.

The sixth step of prosperity is fame, such as how well you give and receive fame through your reputation. Once you have gone through the previous five steps, you come to the realization that in order for you to acquire or create something, you need awareness of others; and awareness of others is fame and reputation. And how well you do something, say in your career or personal work, is also reputation as people see your good qualities.  Similar to hanging signage of your shop, it makes people notice and be aware of what you’re willing to give to the world.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The above are sample images for the fame and reputation energy. On the right, this person hung certificates in his office. Also, fame and reputation is connected to the fire element; so introducing some type of fire element into our house in the balanced amount helps to introduce that energy.

The seventh step is giving your career; where you accumulate all the skills, knowledge, creativity, and thought in the form of career. You serve people in your career – giving the intention of service, and that is why knowledge and spirituality is connected in the gua. When we can merge knowledge and spirituality and understand that we’re here to serve, we look at enhancing our service, how we can help others. So, we start creating the career, identifying the career.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Career is a water element in the bagua. Above are examples of water elements such as a water fountain.  Perhaps you can add decor items in the color of black or dark color, which is the color of water in Feng Shui.

The final step of prosperity is the fruit. Once we accumulat all the steps, we reached reach the fruit of our goal: wealth. Some feng shui elements we can use to accelerate wealth include some types of plants.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

A great example is the money plant.

We’re going to wrap up with a few other aspects to prosperity that are also very important.

The first one is prosperity gateways. It is very important how you enter your house, the condition or your entry and gate, and well you take care of it.

In the below before image, you can see the gate is a bit cluttered, and the car blocks the entrance a bit.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The after image is shown below – and wow what a difference.  Once you enter, there is a bench to rest. This is very important when you enter your house. The first thing you see is a sense of peace and rest. And when you have like a bench or a chair, you feel that you can rest and relax. And the second thing is you have a clear, clean gate, because the prosperity is considered to be the energy that enters through the gate. And the gate is the mouth of chi in feng shui.  This client transformation shows the power of shifting your space for prosperity.

Find Prosperity through Feng Shui

In summary, the carefully formulated steps described in this article provide a structured roadmap for transforming one’s life. From cultivating positive habits to embracing a growth mindset, each step is designed to instill lasting change.


“First we shape our houses, then, our houses shape us.”


Nora BenNora Bens is a founder of LivHoli LLC; a holistic Interior Design Studio that specializes in commercial as well as residential projects. Her practice incorporates a fusion of modern technology with the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui as well as vedic sciences of Vastu Shastra and Ayurveda. Nora is a graduate of Western School of Feng Shui and has earned her Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design Engineering. 

The Feng Shui Bagua Wed, 01 Jul 2020 18:51:14 +0000

The Feng Shui Bagua

Also called ba-gua or pakua, the Feng Shui bagua is one of the main tools used in Feng Shui to map a space or room in order to analyze the energy according to life areas.  The bagua can be used for a home, office, property, garden, or even a piece of furniture.  It is incredibly versatile and is used in most Feng Shui perspectives, sometimes in a slightly different format.

The bagua map is a diagram, a Chinese flowchart if you will, to the universal energies for a person’s life goals and paths. Originating from the I Ching and the Lo Shu, bagua is literally translated as “eight house.” It consists of eight external spaces or guas and a central one called the Tai Ji or center. Each of the eight houses is named by a trigram, and points to a specific direction, number, element, season, color, body organ, family member, symbol, location and other life aspects in resonance with that trigram sector. Source: IFSG Feng Shui Glossary

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” 


Placing the Bagua

Begin by standing at the entrance to the property or home or room, facing the entrance. Lay the bagua on the space with the front edge along the furthest most front edge of the structure.

The bagua is a rectangular or square grid that extends to the edges of all sides and corners. A tic-tac-toe grid is drawn dividing the entire shape into 9 quadrants. When a floor plan or blueprint is not completely square, you are often left with missing areas, corners or guas. This can cause an imbalance in your life and space that can then be adjusted any number of ways using Feng Shui.

See examples below, where the dark lines represent the layout of the bagua; the navy line represents the extents of the structure. The red dotted line represents a missing corner or guas where added support and attention should be placed to balance the floor plan.

Square or rectangular space with bagua applied. No missing corners or holes.

Space with an extension results in a missing corner; therefore the bagua map is missing that gua.

The space you are mapping determines on the size of the guas. While some schools of thought lay out the grid of nine squares equally, given that energy flow is fluid and uncontained, know that a bit of energy flow will ebb throughout the surrounding guas. Additionally, as shown above, any extensions of a structure, due to the shape of the building itself or through additions such as decks or porches, extend the outer reaches of the bagua edges. If a shape is not rectangular or square, this may result in missing areas or guas that can be addressed and remedied through advanced techniques by an educated professional. Want to read more about missing corners? Read this on our blog.

The Grid: The nine life areas, or guas are (facing the structure):

CAREER (front center) Kan (K’an) associated with North, element Water, colors black and dark blue, the kidney, bladder, ear, and the sense of hearing,and relates to your success and your relationship with the world outside your home

KNOWLEDGE AND SELF CULTIVATION, SELF ACTUALIZATION (front left) Gen (Ken) associated with Northeast, element yang Earth, colors brown to yellow and blue to green, the spleen, stomach, pancreas, the sense of taste, and the symbol Mountain.

HEALTH AND FAMILY, ANCESTORS AND FAMILY (middle left) Zhen (Chen) associated with East, element of Yang Wood, color green, the sense of sight and eyes, as well as the liver, gall bladder, extremities, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

WEALTH AND PROSPERITY (back left) Xun (Hsun) – commonly known as wealth and prosperity associated with Southeast, element Wood, colors green or purple, liver, gall bladder, ligaments, tendons, muscles, hips, thigh, and sense of sight.

FAME AND REPUTATION (back center) Li (Li) associated with South, element Fire, color red, heart, small intestine, blood, eye, and the sense of touch and feeling, symbol Fire.

LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY (back right) Kun (K’un) associated with Southwest, element of yin Earth, colors brown to yellow, the spleen, pancreas, stomach (belly), and sense of taste, mouth.

CHILDREN AND CREATIVITY (middle right) Dui (Tui) associated with West, element of Metal, color white, sense of smell, mouth, large intestines, lungs, and skin.

HELPFUL PEOPLE AND TRAVEL, TRAVEL AND BENEFACTORS (front right) Qian (Ch’ien) associated with Northwest, element of Metal, colors grey, white, metallic gold or silver, the head, lungs, large intestines, skin and the sense of smell.

CENTER, HEALTH (center) Tai Ji associated with center, element of earth, color yellow.

Western Bagua/Source Ken Lauer

Compass Bagua/Source Feng Shui Nexus

When implementing cures or enhancements using the compass method, both the environment and the inhabitant’s personal energy are important. We divide the building or space into nine different areas using the luo pan or compass for the eight different compass directions (south, southwest, west, etc) and the center. Additionally, the age of the building is important as different years have potentially different effects on those working and living there.

Applying the bagua, working through the missing areas or corners is one piece of the puzzle. Balancing the five elements, looking at poison arrows or traffic flows through the space, clearing clutter, and more are all part of creating positive Feng Shui. Looking at the overall bagua in conjunction with aligning your goals and passions can bring about specific cures or enhancements that support your growth and change. For example, a single person looking to enhance their relationship status, would look first at the Love and Relationship gua of their space to boost the love energy. One could also look at the Love and Relationship gua of each room for an added boost.

Using the bagua in conjunction with Feng Shui cures can positively influence one’s chi, finances, love life, creativity, health, environment, and other personal life issues.

Feng Shui Tools of the Trade Thu, 02 Apr 2020 02:05:37 +0000

Feng Shui Tools of the Trade

You have heard the saying, the right tool for the job makes all the difference. You wouldn’t bring a hammer to a job that required a screwdriver; and you wouldn’t bring a spatula to a job that needed an ax. The same thing goes with Feng Shui. Understanding and applying the right tools in Feng Shui is crucial.

The main tools of our trade are simple – powerful – and ever present in all perspectives of Feng Shui*:

  • A building floor plan or lot layout as well as photos of the space
  • The bagua, no matter the perspective, as there are some variations but the basic concepts are universal
  • Yin and Yang, a balance between the feminine and masculine
  • The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water
  • A basic safety plan for comfort, safety, and the power position for spaces like bedrooms and office
  • The client’s goals, hopes, and intentions
  • And more

*applies to residence (home, apartment, condo, or other), commercial (office, building, store, or other), landscape (design or lot layout).

Additionally, consultations can be performed onsite or long distance virtually.

“It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.”

Wallace D. Wattles

Additional tools used by some perspectives and/or consultants will also use

  • A Luo Pan compass
  • Inhabitant and/or building birth days
  • Chinese astrology
  • Space clearing
  • Dowsing
  • And more

Additionally, consultants may have related skills and holistic disciplines including home staging, interior design, architecture, and personal development or coaching.

Feng Shui Enhancements

Enhancements, often called remedies, are another way a consultant (and you) can make changes or adjustments to your space. Enhancements are as uniquely personal as is your space, your goals (and therefore your bagua), as well as your taste and style. One of the main concepts we like to say is “live with what you love – and you will be doing great Feng Shui.” Try not to include items you “think” will give you great Feng Shui unless you like them, and if they invoke good memories or feelings.

One of the simplest ways to introduce the elements or a shift is through color. Picking what you love, you can add pops of color in pillows or wall hangings, painting or furniture. Most of the other enhancements below – such as lighting, windchimes, artwork – can bring double the impact by using specific colors or hues.

Music, chimes, bells, even a sound machine. The birds outside can also evoke sound and therefore, energetic chi (if you like the sound of birds). Sound is often used to “call in the chi” we need to nourish our lives and thrive through our spaces.

From outside light streaming in, to lamps, lighting, candles, and fireplaces. Lighting is often used to anchor an outside missing corner or gua, stabilizing the imbalance.

Painting, photos, sculpture, woven textiles, hand made or professionally created, artwork evokes powerful symbolism and feelings. Art can capture the essence of a goal or a bagua area, such as health, wealth, or relationships. An often used example is the single woman who lives with artwork of a single woman depicted in her art. Every day, this image is reinforcing the single life instead of sending out the energy of attracting a mate. Focus on what you want and let the artwork direct that chi and invite that energy.

Living Things
Plants and flowers as well as pets create and vitalize the chi in your home. If you are able to care for plants and have the appropriate lighting, these are great ways to invite the wood element and the symbol of growth. Wood can help balance an abundance of water energy or can fuel a fire element. Pets – even fish – are naturally considered fire elements and as above, should be well cared for and loved.

Features like fountains and fish tanks as well as images of waterfalls show movement and active chi flow. Water is most associated with wealth, so ensure any features are clean and flowing and if outside, flow toward your home or building.

Wind Elements
Chi flows and encouraging that flow is done through the use of chimes, mobiles, flags and even banners. Flags can be used to identify an entrance that is not seen well from the curb, important to inviting the chi it – it has to know how to get to you. As with lighting, some enhancements can be used to anchor missing guas.

Mirrors are naturally considered active chi. They are always working – always reflecting. Mirrors can be used to double the size of a space, to reflect a view, to represent water, great in career and wealth, and to open out missing corners or protruding corners in an odd shaped room. Mirrors are often used above fireplaces to balance out the heavy fire element.

Faceted Crystals
Crystals modulate energy helping you feel grounded and balancing energy in a space. Often they are used to soften energy flow that is moving too quickly or speed up energy that is stagnant. When light hits the crystal, rainbows are created and sparkle throughout the room.

We believe the right consultant is there waiting for you just as you are waiting for them. Your energy will resonate and your timing will be right. Find your just right consultant today, in our Feng Shui consultant directory.

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Attracting Love and Partnership with Feng Shui Sat, 22 Dec 2018 01:53:19 +0000

Attracting Love and Partnership with Feng Shui

Love and Partnership Wind Chime

The partnership gua is the upper right corner of the bagua and it is used to call forth love, a romantic partner, enhance a current relationship or bolster self confidence. 

Place an indoor-appropriate wind chime in the Partnership area of the bedroom to “call in” a partner.

Love and Relationship Wind ChimeBack in 1992 when I was first studying Feng Shui with Professor Thomas Lin Yun, I hung a wind chime in the Partnership area of my condo. I wasn’t calling in a partner as much as counteracting a bathroom and laundry room that was located in that area. I rang it occasionally as it was a sweet, small bell that had a beautiful sound to it. In the meantime, I offered this suggestion to several of my clients as well and, as attended 3 weddings as a result.

It wasn’t until I was moving out of my condo a couple years later, with the man who was to be my husband, that I realized he and I had met 90 days after I had hung my own wind chime. Even though it wasn’t my main focus, it worked anyway. I still have the bell and the man is still the love of my life. Now when I ring it, I ring it with gratitude.

Carole HyderCarole Hyder is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, teacher, author and trainer in the field of Feng Shui. Carole has been a Feng Shui consultant since 1992, having studied with His Holiness Grandmaster Thomas Lin Yun, Her Holiness Crystal Chu Rinpoche, and Roger Green. She founded the Wind and Water Center, formerly the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui, in 1998.

Missing Gua in the Bagua – A Case Study: How a Few Simple Changes made a Big Job Impact Mon, 19 Nov 2018 02:10:56 +0000

Missing Gua in the Bagua – A Case Study: How a Few Simple Changes made a Big Job Impact

Simple Changes for a Big Job Impact

When the bagua maps the space perfectly, making a feng shui assessment is straight forward. However, when a gua is missing, things can become more complicated. Kristi Stangeland discusses how she worked with a client who was missing a key gua.

I was contacted by a woman who had left her corporate job to start her own company focused on bringing mindfulness and social innovation into large companies, but she was struggling to find clients.

When I met with her, I noticed that she was missing the Kan (earth) area in one part of her home since the entrance featured an inner courtyard that was surrounded by the Gen (mountains) and Qian (heaven) areas. This courtyard was not well maintained and included large pieces of driftwood, sprouts of grass and a desolate, barren area around the front door. We discussed how to enhance this area with new plantings and a fresh coat of paint on the front door. I suggested removing the driftwood and tending to the grass to improve its health and appearance. I also recommended hanging a wind chime near the door. Finally, I taught her the Black Sect tradition of blessing the items on auspicious days.

Approximately one month later she informed me that a large corporation had asked her to join their staff to integrate revenue opportunities with social innovation She was in disbelief that she would be able to do this work as an employee and not have to deal with the stress of running her own business. The outcome was even better than what she had imagined!

Kristi StangelandKristi Stangeland is the founder of Feng Shui Consulting Service.  She holds a certificate from the BTB Feng Shuiℱ Masters Training Program, begun by Professor Thomas Lin Yun.

Fame and Reputation Gua – A Case Study: Windows to the World Wed, 10 Oct 2018 01:43:13 +0000

Fame and Reputation Gua – A Case Study: Windows to the World

Fame and Reputation Gua – A Case Study Windows to the World
Thinking about how the world sees you – your reputation in the world – the growth of your business – your name and visibility? Then consider the Feng Shui gua of Fame and Reputation.  Enhance anytime you want to boost this energy and build your credentials and personal strength. Read a case study, by Feng Shui professional, Carmel Malone-Quane.

The fame and reputation sector of the ba gua is located in the back center of the home. (facing the home at the front door, laying out a tic-tac-toe grid on your building.  Click here to read more about the bagua.)  It has to do with being your authentic self in the world. When this gua is activated, one can live with clarity and integrity and thus truly live their best life. It is associated with the element of fire, animal energy, the number 9 and triangular shapes.

The Case Study

Carmel Malone-Quane had a client who wanted to attract new windows and also mentioned her eyes were gritty. Carmel immediately recognized this was an issue with the Fame gua, as it relates to the eyes, and windows represent our vision.

The Fame and Reputation gua of the home included a bathroom. Fame is represented by the fire element; whereas the bathroom is a strong water element, so having a bathroom here was a bit of a challenge. The client was on a fixed income and didn’t expect any new windows anytime soon. She needed to apply for a grant and had previously received funds, so had little hope she would get new windows. Believing the money will come once the right intentions are places, Carmel suggested to her client to place intentions to get the money for the windows.

Specific recommendations included:

  • Clean her current windows as they were a little dusty.
  • Place some earth elements in the bathroom to dam the water, she liked shells and stones.
  • Add a plant in a red pot, which represents the Wood Element, to feed the fire element of this gua.
  • Bring in some red color, here we added a lovely red floral blind.
  • The client reinforced her intent and the let go of any attachment to the outcome.

All of the adjustments worked seamlessly with her design and were easy to implement.

The Results

Approximately two months later the client received a letter, out-of-the-blue, stating she was getting new windows.

Her eyes improved almost immediately.

Fame and Reputation - Window to the World
This is the power of our intent and adding some feng shui adjustments to our space to attract what we want.

Carmel Malone QuaneCarmel Malone-Quane is a feng shui consultant and wellness coach who works with women to transform their physical environment to create more time and freedom. She is an entrepreneur and mom herself with a background in nursing, so she knows how challenging it can be for women who are juggling it all.  She is served on the IFSG Board of Directors from 2017 through 2020.

Energize Your Learning in the Self-Knowledge Area to Receive New Insights and Life Guidance Wed, 03 Oct 2018 13:08:38 +0000

Energize Your Learning in the Self-Knowledge Area to Receive New Insights and Life Guidance

Enhance Your Learning with the Self Knowledge area

Enhance learning for all ages by activating your knowledge and self-cultivation gua!

The self-knowledge area in the front left corner of the home (facing it from the outside) deepens clarity and insight about life purpose. If balanced, its energy allows for wisdom and insight to flow into life. It also encourages contemplation, which is vital in today’s hectic world. The element of this area is Earth since it brings nourishment as well as grounding into our lives. A specific symbol is mountain as a place where people have been going for ages to still their minds and seek wisdom.

Some easy ways to enhance this gua include:


  1. Remove all clutter from the desk (living room), closet and dresser (bedroom). Things you do not use reduce your clarity in life and might create stagnation or even blockages.
  2. Install a wall light above the desk. Lights are great energizers both in reality as well as symbolically.
  3. Enhance Your LearningPlace a fresh planted orchid in a blue pot – a fresh plant brings new vitality and chi into this area. An orchid in particular with its rich blossoms symbolically represents rich and blossoming wisdom and insight. A blue color is associated with the Self-Knowledge and if possible should be prominent in this area.
  4. Display a few inspirational books on a desk – books are great symbols of wisdom. Preferably, display only books which are personally meaningful to you and which you regularly read and/or refer to.
  5. Display photo(s) of a wise person in a blue frame – typical wise people displayed are Buddha, Dalai Lama, Gandhi, motivational speakers as well as grandparents. Ideally on a desk or above the desk.
  6. Display artwork showing an image of a beach and/or water lily – the beach is a symbol of a quiet place and water lilies represent awakening wisdom. Both of these images are great for Self-Knowledge Area.

Blanka VunKannonBlanka Vun Kannon is an Advanced Practitioner of Interior AlignmentŸ the Feng Shui and Space Clearing School founded by Denise Linn. She is owner of Blanka Vun Kannon Feng Shui and founded The School of Harmony in her home country of Czech Republic.

The Significance of Clocks in Feng Shui Wed, 23 Mar 2016 01:07:26 +0000

The Significance of Clocks in Feng Shui

Significance of Clocks in Feng Shui

Are you always out of time? Does life feel like it’s at a standstill? Got money problems? Does time fly? Can’t seem to ever get anywhere on time? Losing friends because they won’t put up with your flakiness?  

According to feng shui principles, what’s going on in your living and work environments is going on in your life –and oftentimes, it is quite literal. Take clocks and your issues with time for example. Whether it’s a grandfather, kitchen, mantle or coo-coo clock, you might find a literal connection between your issue with time and those clocks. (Don’t forget watches – they are small but also “timepieces.”)

Take an inventory of all clocks and watches. (I swear I often ask my clients if they have a broken clock or watch in a particular location and they say no, only to find it sitting right there when we get to that location.) Are any unplugged, deliberately set to a different time than reality, forgotten about and off by one hour due to time changes, or just downright broken? Whatever “issue” you find might just exactly describe some situation in YOUR life.

Has time run out or you can’t get a handle on some deadline ? Maybe it’s that weird little clock where the hands fell off and you swore years ago that someday you’d fix it. Is time up? Maybe all the clocks hung on walls are positioned where you have to significantly look up to see them. Connect the dots and make a change with the problem timepiece and you just may have given yourself the time to succeed where before it was unavailable to you.

Also, to be even more specific, if you notice the area of the Bagua that your clocks are in, you may get additional clues as to why your life is troubled in an area of life. If “time is money” and the clock in the back left-hand part of your house is “stuck” or “broke,” you are probably experiencing a money/income problem.

If you never have time to travel, you may have a clock issue in the front right-hand part of your home because that area governs travel.

The time is now. Check out all clocks where you hang out and see if a more supporting adjustment can be made. You just might laugh at the exact literalness as you connect the state of your clocks and what’s happening in your life.

Karen CarterKaren Rauch Carter is the author of the national bestselling feng shui book, “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life” (Simon & Schuster, 2000). She is a feng shui consultant and healthy lifestyle designer, international speaker, feng shui educator, mentor, and coach.

Home Extensions – the Feng Shui Way – Part 2 Fri, 26 Jun 2015 23:33:04 +0000

Home Extensions – the Feng Shui Way – Part 2

Home Extensions and Missing Sections

‘Don’t Move – Improve’ is often suggested to property owners and extensions are an ideal solution to add more space. In part 1, we talked about how to prepare for the extension and make your home part of the solution.  In this part 2, we talk about how extensions change the bagua map and what you can do to solve the missing areas – by Jackie Notman

See also Home Extensions – the Feng Shui Way – Part 1

The missing space!

If an extension is added to the existing footprint of the building (as opposed to extending up into an attic or down into a basement) it will change the overall footprint and, invariably, create a missing sector.

In feng shui, the overall aim is to create a balanced and harmonious energetic environment. This means that when we place a bagua (or energy map) over the floor plan, all sectors should be included in the floor plan and the centre or Tai Chi should be the centre of the home as this feeds energy to all the other areas.

Here’s a typical, balanced footprint:

Home Extensions and Missing Corners and Sections

Now see what happens when an extension is added. Not only is a missing sector created but the centre is also shifted.

Home Extensions and Missing Corners and Sections by Jackie Notman

So what does this mean? Firstly each sector of the bagua will represent a certain type of energy. This could be related to our finances, career relationships etc. So, if a sector is missing that particular type of energy will also be missing: our career may go into a nosedive, financial problems could pop up or our relationships fail.

The first thing is: don’t be worried about this, especially if you have already built an extension! Being aware of what is happening energetically is the first step to resolving any issues.

There are ways to bring the energy of the missing sector back into the home although the best solutions will be very individual to your home rather than generic and so it is best to consult a professional feng shui consultant.

However, a generic solution that I find useful is to bury a crystal in the outside space where the missing sector is and then place crystals in the other four corners of the ground floor. These will eventually connect with each other energetically to form an energy zone. X marks the spot on this floor plan:

Home Extensions and Missing Corners and Sections

I tend to use either clear quartz or amethyst but you may have a preferred crystal. Go with your gut feeling.

When you’ve done this, go into a calm place, connect with the spirit of your home and ask it to help bring the energy of the missing sector into the energy of the house. If you are visual, visualise the four crystals connected up and encompassing your home in an energy zone.

Keep an eye on how this works for you and, if you are still having issues with the energy of the extension, or your home in general, it is advisable to consult with a professional who can suggest tailored solutions just for you.

The practical level

Of course it makes sense to ensure that everything flows between the extension and the original house. Make sure the décor flows from one to the other and flooring especially needs to be uniform as you step from the old part of the house to the newer part.

Bring some of the furniture or artwork from the original house into the extension too as this will encourage the energy to flow from the old to the new.

I hope you find this useful and, if it all seems a little woo woo for you or you feel silly talking to your house just remember that your intention is the most important thing. Treat your house as a friend and it will become a nourishing home.

This article previously appeared on Jackie Notman’s website.

Jackie NotmanJackie Notman is an intuitive advisor, coach and energy reader who works on an energetic level with individuals and businesses using tools such as Feng Shui, Numerology, Dowsing, Astrology, the I Ching and the Tarot.

Read part 1 of this article where Jackie discusses home extensions in depth and the effects on the bagua.
