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Hello ! I’d like to introduce myself and explain how Geomancy Services can help you create happier and more prosperous environments.  Geomancy could be defined as the harmonizing of naturally occuring Earth energies and remediation of electro-magnetic fields.   It works by addressing the larger context of Earth energies and in this way facilitates Feng Shui and Vastu.  For a preview of the current HGTV program MY FIRST PLACE which shows the methods I use during a Survey & Geopathic Clearing:

The objective of a Geopathic Clearing is to balance all types of energy fields that affect the flow of Earth energies through your immediate environment.   Work with homes businesses large parcels of land livestock environments farms and vineyards and the property surrounding structures are all encompassed by Geomancy. The balancing of energy around a structure can be very helpful to enhance the effectiveness of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra.    It’s also helpful for optimum siting and orientation of new construction.  What heals the Earth translates directly into harmonizing of the interior space.

A Geopathic Clearing proceeds in two stages: the first phase involves identifying and mapping energetic processes which need attention. This can be done by working from a map on-site evaluation or with remote viewing,. The second phase involves the practical steps of corrections—this is referred to as a Geopathic Clearing.

If you feel that your home or work-place is not in balance you might be in need of a Geopathic Survey and mapping.  Mapping the results of an Earth Energy Survey includes a drawing on the map of the flows of energy. This does not require a visit to the site.  If you need assistance with the your project the next step after the survey is a Geopathic Clearing.   This doesn’t always require a visit to the site since some clearings can be done remotely.

The purpose of a Survey is to find ways to harmonize energies in a context that is larger than your property. Typical findings of a Survey include subterranean water flows grid crossings stray currents from high voltage wires and transformers lingering energies associated with discordant events and emotions ghosts subterranean voids and anomalies and various forms of electro-magnetic field pollution.   The survey reveals the way Earth energies and electro-magnetic fields affect your property and this is recorded in a combined map and drawing.  What is healing for the land-form is healing for the interior of your home.

Your non-profit group Educational or Healing center Spiritual group Wildlife Rescue or Charitable organization may be eligible for Geomancy services at no charge.

In closing I’d like to invite you to call or email to discuss your ideas and questions – remember there’s no obligation of any kind. I’d like to share with you the information I’ve gathered during the last two decades of Geomancy fieldwork. I look forward to talking with you soon!


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