Dive into colour therapy with the Colour Mirrors Certified Practitioner Course
Sherry Brouzes

Dive into Colour Therapy with Sherry Brouzes as she guides you through the brilliant Colour Mirrors Practitioner Course. This is an online interactive course offered on Zoom.
-This is a Certified Course which will enable you, upon graduation, to join the list of Colour Mirrors Practitioners on the Colour Mirrors International website.(www.colourmirrors.com)

-Learn the history of the Colour Mirrors system and how the course will flow over the weeks.
-Examine the meanings of Colour Mirror’s 19 core colours, including their positive and healing attributes

-Learn how each Colour identifies unconscious patterns that block and limit our full potential in life
-Discover the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual analysis of Colour
-Learn Chakra balancing with Colour
-Discover the new chakra colours and learn why they are changing in our evolving world
-Learn the association between past lives and Colour
-Study and align with the eight spiritual principles based on Melchizedek teachings and the link with Colour Mirrors for self-transformation and growth.

-Learn how to bring your new colour knowledge into your business, practice and own life
-Learn ten different types of colour readings using Colour Mirrors bottles and star chart
-Not to forget-working with Colour is fun!
-Student manual, Message in a Bottle manual and student support charts will be provided.

-The knowledge and skills you learn as a Colour Mirrors Practitioner will allow you to start your own business as a Colour Mirrors Practitioner. The course will also be an adventure of enlightenment of the soul as you study and immerse yourself in the colours each week.

Many students experience profound healing throughout the course. The Colour Mirrors system can be integrated beautifully with most holistic careers, such as Aromatherapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Feng Shui, Massage, Astrology, Life Coaching, Art therapy, Energy Healing, and business professionals. (I have integrated Colour Mirrors with my Feng Shui practice.)
-The pre-requisite for The Colour Mirrors Practitioner’s Course requires the student to purchase a set of starter-up Colour Mirrors bottles to work with over the course. The bottles may be purchased simultaneously or according to the studied weekly content.

-This is an interactive online course via Zoom. The timing of the course will be once or twice a week(flexible). The Colour Practitioner Course has approximately forty hours of study and homework. The fees can be paid in full or monthly via Paypal or Interac. (options available)

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