Space Clearing and Earth Alchemy Practitioner Course - Vicky Sweetlove - IPHM approved

A Three Module course from Dowsing expert practitioner and Feng Shui educator, Vicky Sweetlove, Feng Shui Life

The course will provide you with the training to be a practitioner in Space Clearing of homes and offices.

When it comes to selling a property it’s advisable to have the property space cleared as prospective buyers will always feel the “nice” energy of the home and want to make it their own.

After a space is cleared, people report that they feel healthier, stronger, clearer, more focused and more at peace.

Places that have stagnant energy often make a person feel sluggish, confused, muddled, irritable and stressed.

The art of Space Clearing has been practiced in every native culture around the world as it works in an instant uplifts energy in a space to feel very powerful and helps with clearing negativity and increasing productivity in happier spaces.

Module One

What you can Expect

In this two day course you will learn how to clear energies in rooms, houses, offices and land for yourself, your family and for friends.

you will learn:

How to carry out a Space Clearing Ceremony
How to make an altar and work with sacred objects to make a sacred space in the home
Know how to clear predecessor chi of the previous occupants also stagnant energy that has built up over a period of time
How to cleanse your own energy field.
Know about Psychic protection
Working with crystal grids
Know how to connect to the nature spirits and the energy “spirit of place” visiting a local site to experience the various energies of place and artefacts.
Learn how to locate detrimental energies and recognise in the home and office.
Learn to map dowse for earth energies and harmonise them remotely
Know how to locate Geopathic Stress, earth energies and visiting local sites.
How to prepare yourself through meditation to carry out a Space Clearing
What tools to use for space clearing
How to do clutter clearing
How clutter and negative energies in the home affect your energy and your space you live in
How to keep clutter free and have an energised home.

Feedback about the course:

“A really great course, based on Shamanic principles. Lots of useful techniques and information. Tuition is very practical and hands on. Using the techniques taught I have been getting great results and feedback from my clients. Compliments the Dowsing for Health course. Thoroughly recommended.”
Leon, Horsham

Thank you so much for the insightful weekend, I have found the course to be both informative and practical and have come away with a lot of new knowledge and enthusiasm to further my study around this topic. Also, yesterday afternoon was so powerful and emotional and I am feeling the lightness within myself too – some healing took place for sure – so thank you. I am also blown away by your abilities to feel, see and harmonise energies.
I am definitely feeling the shift in energy in the home – as I entered the house after arriving late last night, the energy of the house felt lighter than before, the rooms looked brighter with some reason and warmer and welcoming.
I feel protected and secure in this new home and honestly feel that I have made the right decision to move to this house. Harumi W. Brighton

Module 2

In this part of the course it will provide you with the second part of the three part training to be a practitioner in Space Clearing of homes and offices.

It will include dowsing Earth Energies, Geopathic Stress, vortexes and ley lines, Shamanic practices to connect with the energies of the land and the elementals.

Know how to work with the energies of land and space to bring a feeling of wellbeing to homes and offices.

You will know how to connect to the energy of a space and practice psychic protection and learn about why we should protect our own energy when working with earth energies.

Dowsing your own home – bring a floor plan to do remote harmonising work.

Learn effective ways of harmonising Geopathic Stress and earth energies by carrying out earth acupuncture safely and effectively

Learn to use tools to carry out earth acupuncture and acupressure.

Know how to use grids and crystals and about the 5 platonic solids

How to dowse the chakras of a home or building and balance the energies and visiting a local site.

You will have a greater understanding of traumatised places and buildings.

Meet with your Space Clearing guides Working with your guides to assist you in your Space Clearing practices.

Connect to the elementals and the energy of place and know how to feel, see and sense the energy of the land.

Module 3

Space Clearing is a simple way of balancing the energy in your home and office space.

Know about Geopsychic Stress
Learn methods for Psychic cleansing of our energy fields.

Work with the dryads tree spirits, elementals, guardians of the environment which can be traumatized by building work and previous traumas on the land.

Know how to work with your psychopomp to release trapped spirits in the environment.

Working with the medicine wheel energies and the elements of the medicine wheel
How synchronicities and signs will show you the way.

You will learn methods of earth harmonising using stone cairns when earth acupuncture cannot be carried out.

Grounding and Protecting practices

Know how to harmonise the energies in your home and buildings and further training in Geopathic Stress and the effects it has on our health and well being.

Know how to make a portal and its uses with psychic boundaries for remote healing.

How to cleanse your own energy field.

Journeying to meet with your Space Clearing guides at each level.

Working with your guides to assist you in your Space Clearing practices.

Vicky has had positive experiences space clearing people’s homes and offices and working with the “spirit of the land” and seen and felt instant results within minutes of finishing a space clearing.

Come and experience the weekend for yourself and know how you can change your home environment to suit your lifestyle.

A really great course, based on Shamanic principles. Lots of useful techniques and information. Tuition is very practical and hands on. Using the techniques taught I have been getting great results and feedback from my clients. Compliments the Dowsing for Health course. Thoroughly recommended.” Leon, Horsham

To make a booking email:, tel: +44(0)207 7238932  mob: +44(0)7885 945008

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Feng Shui Life School of Feng Shui is founded by Vicky Sweetlove, she combines her knowledge of feng shui with dowsing, space clearing and earth alchemy and has created the Feng Shui Practitioner Course Programme to be completed over a period of 2 years. The course takes in the core principles of feng shui plus extra training in working with the personal Bazi chart of a person, flying stars of the home and the yearly afflictions. During the course there will be training in tradition […]
Feng Shui Certification Program Delivery Options
Exclusive Onsite Training, Online + Onsite Combination Training , Private, One-on-One
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