Find Your Prosperity Through Feng Shui

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Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

 “In every crisis, there is opportunity.”
~~Chinese Proverb


How do we cope, we may ask; and the Feng Shui replies “by creating our environment to be our constant source of inspiration and rejuvenation.”

So, let’s go right into the practical aspects.

First, let’s talk about the Prosperities Treasure Map.
There are eight steps of how we can bring prosperity into our life through the Bagua Map. The Bagua Map is sort of like a treasure map of Feng Shui. It uses the directions and the forms connecting to nature. Wealth of prosperity is the fruit, but in order to reach the fruit, we need to go through steps, just like the growth of a tree.

So the first step, strength to give and receive through health. Before we think about prosperity, and health and wealth; we have to look at the health of our body or mind. And we have to look at how we can restore that. And we restore that by looking at how we treat our body, inside and outside. In terms of insight, it is looking at the five elements of our food, the balanced way of our food. And for the outside, we balance the five elements in our physical space.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Above shows two images illustrating the health remedies and tools. The health on the Bagua Map is always connected with family because with support we can foster health. The family pictures on the left support the family energy.  Also, health is connected to the wood element. From the image on the right, we see that the wood element is represented with plants, or using wood to decorate the house, even wood flooring. Introducing wood or living plants into our space is a very important element into bringing health into our life.

The second step of prosperity is clarity.   Focusing on health before any other steps, such as decluttering, is intentional.  Once we do the work to improve our health, we’ll have enough energy and strength to declutter our house. Having clarity gives us space in our mind to bring new ideas and thoughts. And so, clarity is the second point in bringing the prosperity in to our life.

I’m showing clarity through the center of the Bagua Map – also the center of the house. For decluttering, it is always good to start with center; keeping the center empty.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

As you see in the above images, you’ll see that the center of the house is spacious and empty. If we can start by decluttering and creating a peaceful space in the middle of the house, and then we can start to declutter the rest of the rooms. But the first step is to declutter the center.

Next, once we have our house decluttered and we have improved our health, step three of the prosperity plan is to grow your knowledge. In Feng Shui on the Bagua Map knowledge is also connected to spirituality. There are many reasons why the Bagua has interconnected topics such as knowledge connected to spirituality. One of the reasons is that once you start studying or acquiring knowledge, you realize what you do not know.  Understanding what we do not know brings openness and possibilities for spiritual knowledge.  In step three, we apply Feng Shui by creating spaces where we can study, we can acquire knowledge, or corners that we can read, for example.

Once we acquire knowledge, we move into the fourth step of prosperity, which is openness, or having an open mind to accept and embrace differences. Once we accept and understand differences, we become open to creativity and new ideas.  This step is also about awareness and curiosity. Being aware and curious, a creative flow of ideas starts to come to our mind. With creative thoughts, we can create a business idea, or a career path, or a wealth acquiring idea.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

With knowledge and openness, we opened our mind to creative thoughts.  Visual clues or visual Feng Shui is helpful in spaces.  For example, you might introduce the Feng Shui metal element into your space. Look at white Selenite shown above as crystals are considered to be the metal element. And once we start implementing elements into our house that are relevant, they start to naturally give us the inspiration to acquire knowledge and creativity. Additionally, we might carve out a creative corner in our space where we can brainstorm and make ideas.

The fifth step is connection. There is great power in connection, essentially creating connections with others, because people help each other.  We can help each other grow. We can help each other create a career. We can help each other acquire wealth.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

And as shown in the above Bagua Map, there are two guas which are relevant to connection. The first one is Relationships and Marriage, and the second one is Helpful People and Travel.

In these guas, we remember people we know, communicate with them, share our thoughts, and look at how we can connect and make business work or career path work.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The above are a couple of images related to relationship and marriage. Using meaningful décor elements at home can give us inspiration to connect with another person, creating a harmonious relationship.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Other examples for travel and helpful people include the above.  Cushions that are purchased through travel or maps of special places. Implementing ideas like this while decorating our house, with elements of travel and connection to people, we can naturally create connection to help us go to the next step.

The sixth step of prosperity is fame, such as how well you give and receive fame through your reputation. Once you have gone through the previous five steps, you come to the realization that in order for you to acquire or create something, you need awareness of others; and awareness of others is fame and reputation. And how well you do something, say in your career or personal work, is also reputation as people see your good qualities.  Similar to hanging signage of your shop, it makes people notice and be aware of what you’re willing to give to the world.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The above are sample images for the fame and reputation energy. On the right, this person hung certificates in his office. Also, fame and reputation is connected to the fire element; so introducing some type of fire element into our house in the balanced amount helps to introduce that energy.

The seventh step is giving your career; where you accumulate all the skills, knowledge, creativity, and thought in the form of career. You serve people in your career – giving the intention of service, and that is why knowledge and spirituality is connected in the gua. When we can merge knowledge and spirituality and understand that we’re here to serve, we look at enhancing our service, how we can help others. So, we start creating the career, identifying the career.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

Career is a water element in the bagua. Above are examples of water elements such as a water fountain.  Perhaps you can add decor items in the color of black or dark color, which is the color of water in Feng Shui.

The final step of prosperity is the fruit. Once we accumulat all the steps, we reached reach the fruit of our goal: wealth. Some feng shui elements we can use to accelerate wealth include some types of plants.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

A great example is the money plant.

We’re going to wrap up with a few other aspects to prosperity that are also very important.

The first one is prosperity gateways. It is very important how you enter your house, the condition or your entry and gate, and well you take care of it.

In the below before image, you can see the gate is a bit cluttered, and the car blocks the entrance a bit.

Find Prosperity Through Feng Shui

The after image is shown below – and wow what a difference.  Once you enter, there is a bench to rest. This is very important when you enter your house. The first thing you see is a sense of peace and rest. And when you have like a bench or a chair, you feel that you can rest and relax. And the second thing is you have a clear, clean gate, because the prosperity is considered to be the energy that enters through the gate. And the gate is the mouth of chi in feng shui.  This client transformation shows the power of shifting your space for prosperity.

Find Prosperity through Feng Shui

In summary, the carefully formulated steps described in this article provide a structured roadmap for transforming one’s life. From cultivating positive habits to embracing a growth mindset, each step is designed to instill lasting change.


“First we shape our houses, then, our houses shape us.”


Nora BenNora Bens is a founder of LivHoli LLC; a holistic Interior Design Studio that specializes in commercial as well as residential projects. Her practice incorporates a fusion of modern technology with the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui as well as vedic sciences of Vastu Shastra and Ayurveda. Nora is a graduate of Western School of Feng Shui and has earned her Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design Engineering. 

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