The Cloak of Invisibility vs Gaining More Visibility

On the Job

As practitioners in the field of Feng Shui and metaphysics, your work is important. During the challenging 2021, people are searching for more meaning and happiness in their life and they will be looking for your services. We are moving more and more into the attention economy. Those grabbing attention will gain the market share.  Read on for wisdom and insights into business, expanding your visibility, and reaching the clients you deserve to connect with, from Anita Rosenberg, former Hollywood movie director and expert in Feng Shui BaZi Chinese Astrology and Qi Men Dun Jia.

The Cloak of Invisibility vs Gaining More Visibility by Anita Rosenberg

Should you wear the cloak of invisibility or gain more visibility? Being the face of your business and shining in the spotlight is easier for extroverts and attention-seekers. For more introverted personalities, you can’t afford to only work behind-the-scenes. Now is the time to step up and be seen and noticed to spread your message. Hiding the shadows makes you invisible and the opportunities of the year will pass you by. To be relevant, you want to get out there and make yourself known, find a passion and purpose, and make a difference in your life and the life of others.

The term “influencer” was not in the vernacular a few years ago and now it is a legitimate way to earn millions of dollars. When I had my hand-painted furniture business in the mid-90s I advertised in trade magazines and snail mailed brochures and postcards. Old school is still a great tool, but now there are a multitude of free platforms on the internet. I remember when Twitter and Facebook came out and a friend told me I should be on them. I had no clue what they were or even what name to use. I even questioned whether anyone would be interested in what I had to say. I tell my clients who are resistant to social media, marketing, and promotion — find a way to express yourself that you are comfortable with. Have fun with it. Decide which platforms best suit your personality and audience. If marketing, PR, press, and social media are not your thing, hire someone.

The Cloak of Invisibility vs Gaining More VisibilityI like Instagram because it is visually driven. Facebook is a good tool to stay in touch with family and high school friends. LinkedIn is helpful for professional connections. I also suggest a newsletter or blog so that you own the contact information of your supporters. If social media went away tomorrow and you did not have a CRM (customer relationship management software or management tool) or contact list, you would lose all your raging fans. For me, being a guest on other people’s blogs and podcasts like my clients Ashley Tisdale’s (Frenshee) and Miranda Kerr’s (Spread the Light) boosts my audience because they have millions of followers.

A secret tool I want to share to help raise your popularity vibration, is meditation with Qi Men Dun Jia. Qi Men is the magical mystical component of Chinese Metaphysics that until recently only old men in caves knew about. Women were never taught. My teacher and mentor Joey Yap has brought it into the light and I find that meditating with the Guardians of Destiny aka Deities resonates with me. I have had miraculous results. During my first introduction, I sat in a room with hundreds of people at a Joey Yap New Year Talk in NYC with my back to my personal Harmony Guardian and asked for more high-end projects and celebrity clients. Two weeks later I was doing Yearly Wealth Profiles for Gwyneth Paltrow, Jen Anniston, Selena Gomez, and Orlando Bloom (to name a few). I want to share with you a Qi Men Fast-Track meditation for 2021 to boost your Peach Blossom and likeability for greater connectivity.

The Cloak of Invisibility vs Gaining More Visibility

Sit with your BACK to the SOUTH. The South sector on the 2021 Qi Men map, energetically has Nine Earth Deity with Net constellation and Magnetism. Tapping into this energy attracts people to give you a chance and listen to you. With your back to the South, get yourself into “Sage Mode” or Alpha State. Be open and receptive. If you regularly meditate you will be able to put yourself there quickly. If not, try counting down from 64 to 0 (there are 64 hexagrams and this helps you clear your mind). In Sage Mode or meditative state, you are ready to visualize increased attraction.

Get clear on what type of people do you want to connect with? See the whole picture or the whole conversation. Use this energy to gain visibility and launch a program. You can ask directly for what you want. You can also place your back to the South before you go on stage or before pushing the send button on an important email for better results. The South direction is like your wi-fi connection giving you a direct link to that energy.


  • Visualize your outcome
  • Use your senses to deepen the connection
  • Recite affirmations as if what you are asking for already has manifested
  • See and feel the end result
  • If you want things to change you must rewrite the script
  • Your heart and mind need to see the goal accomplished
  • You are the director and this is your realm

Anita Rosenberg
As one of the few female directors in the late 1980s with cult films, Modern Girls and Assault of the Killer Bimbos, Anita Rosenberg is the go-to expert in Hollywood for Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics. Crowned the “Queen of Qi” by Los Angeles Magazine, her specialty is working with creatives as a Cosmic Coach. Anita is an International Speaker for Young Presidents Organization and the Aman Resorts, award-winning author, TV and Podcast guest expert, and global traveler. With over twenty years of experience, her high-profile clients say that her investment in every project is authentic and heartfelt.  Website:

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