The Magical Nature of Plants

At Home, Landscape and Gardens

Feng Shui reveals the everyday items around us that anyone can use to improve the energy of our homes, offices, and virtually any space we spend time in. One of the most powerful of these magical tools is plants. They not only raise the vibration of our space but gift us phenomenal health benefits. This article will guide you in choosing the right plants for your home by revealing their spiritual meaning and application.



Designing a space with the Five Elements – water, wood, fire, earth, and metal – is at the core of attaining balance in Feng Shui.

Indoor plants and flowers usher in the wood element, representing new life, growth, expansion, creativity, and raises chi. The color green also brings in rejuvenation for our bodies– new energy flow and health in the liver and gallbladder when live plants are added to the Feng Shui design.

Plants can help remedy undesirable design scenarios in Feng Shui. Placing live plants at corners will counteract negative energy. Setting a plant within three feet of your computer will filter electromagnetic energy. Bringing nature indoors will elevate the space.

Another beautiful benefit of incorporating plants into the home is the nurturing opportunities they gift us. Plants nurture us, and we consciously get to care for them. It’s a reflection of our inward ability to engage in self-care. Our plants are also an outward reflection of what is going on in our lives. I have seen this ring true in my life–my plants are always thriving, but recently as I was going through an incredibly stressful season, I noticed my orchids began to wilt and fade. Beloved, it is incredible how our environment often prompts us to look within and ensure we are pausing and tending to the things in our bodies and lives are getting the care they deserve.

Use the nine Bagua areas to guide how plants will serve you and those that frequent those spaces as you map out your indoor “garden.”

Family (Zhen): promote support in your family life. Use wooden containers and keep them to foliage plants — no flowers.

Wealth (Xun): usher in more prosperity. In the southeast area, you also want wooden containers. Try four pots of purple African violets, purple orchids, or purple coleus, and you should attract plenty of wealth and material abundance.

Health (Tai Qi): encourage restoration in your life. Don’t have too many plants in the center of your home to maintain traffic flow and avoid negative energy.

Helpful People (Qian): activate energies to ask others for support. Grow silver-leaved plants in earthenware or metal containers.

Children (Dui): encourage growth for any offspring or projects. Grow silver-leaved plants in earthenware or metal containers.

Knowledge (Gen): support expansion of self-knowledge and self-cultivation.

Fame and Reputation (Li): increase your popularity and recognition. Grow plants with red, purple, orange, peach, or pink flowers in wooden containers.

Career (Kan): boost wisdom and prosperity in your career. Place your plant in a black ceramic container or a metal container, such as silver, brass, or copper.

Partnership (Kun): encourage closeness and thoughtfulness in relationships. Place plants in earthenware containers with yellow, red, pink, or white flowering plants. Two plants are a good number here as it represents “pairs.”

Read more about the bagua. 


Generally, the primary plants to avoid in Feng Shui are cacti or anything with sharp points. You also want to steer clear of having dead plants or flowers in your space as they represent the loss of vitality. It’s lovely to welcome just about any green plant into your area, but I’m including some of my favorites for you here:

Areca Palm (Scientific Name:  Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)

Removes:  All tested indoor air toxins.
Benefits:  Very popular and easy to care for plants.  Leaves have a gracious flow that will soften the energy of any home or office space.
Placement: East, South-East, South, and North directions.

Bamboo Palm (Scientific Name: Chamaedorea Seifrizii)

Removes: Benzene. Trichloroethylene. Formaldehyde.
Benefits:  Adds a peaceful, tropical feeling to any environment. Most resistant to insect infestation.
Placement: east or southeast corner

Rubber Plant (Scientific Name:  Ficus Robusta)

Removes: Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
Benefits:  Will survive in dim light and tolerate cool temperatures.  Excellent ability to remove toxins from any indoor environment.
Placement: Place in a corner to soften the sharp angles. The wealth corner of the home is especially suitable.

English Ivy (Scientific Name: Hedera Helix)

Removes: Most pollutants, especially formaldehyde.
Benefits: Another hardy plant can soften and lower the chi flow as needed. Easy to grow, very adaptable, except for high temperatures.
Placement: Trailing vines of ivy help soften any “poison arrows” that point at you where you sleep or work.

Money Tree (Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica)

Benefits: Good for enhancing abundance
Placement: Best when placed in the bedroom, office, or wealth corner of your home.


Are you a gardener?

Being in communion with the earth through gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. As you plant your garden this year or provide Feng Shui consultations, keep the symbolic meaning of plants in mind. Remember, gardens are an extension of the home.

  • Balance the five elements: fire, earth, water, wood, and metal into the landscaping. Doing so will harmonize and balance your garden.
  • Choose plants that are plentiful and look vibrant. Great colors to incorporate into your garden are plants with red, purple, and royal blue flowers.
  • Plant flowers with soft leaves, and avoid plants with thorns, spines, or pointy leaves, especially by the front entrance area. This will keep away the positive energy.

Plants Representing The Fire Element
Japanese Maple
Japanese Red Cedar
Red camellia
Boxwood Shrub

Plants Representing The Water Element
Snake’s Beard
Sweet Potato Vine

Plants Representing The Wood Element
Pine Tree
Medicinal Herbs

Plants Representing The Metal Element
White Hydrangeas
Many species of hostas
White Mums
Dogwood Tree

Plants Representing The Earth Element
Japanese Laurel
River Birch
Ginkgo Biloba Tree

Before You Go

Bringing plants indoors is a guaranteed way to increase the positive energy of your home or workspace. Enjoy serving clients by optimizing their spaces with living plants and flowers.

Amanda Sophia is a Feng Shui Master, Celtic Priestess & Self-love guide. She founded the International Feng Shui School and training program. She also founded the Priestess Awakening School, a year-long journey of The Celtic Wheel that leads participants inward to discover, cultivate, and embody their authentic wisdom and power. Find out more.

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International Feng Shui Guild
705B SE Melody Ln, Ste 166
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