Year of the Water Rabbit

Chinese New Year

For those less familiar with Chinese astrology, ancient lore says, the Jade Emperor invited all of the animals in the world to join him for the New Year celebration, but only 12 animals bothered to turn up. As a great reward, he named a year after each one of them in the order that they arrived to celebrate. The Rabbit was the fourth to arrive (the Rat tricked the Ox into giving him a ride, then jumped off the Ox making him first, the Ox second and the Tiger 3rd). In Nine Star Ki numerology, 4 is the number of wealth and fortunate blessings. The Chinese Zodiac, is made up of 5 Elements, comprising a 60 year cycle (12 animal sign and 5 Elements each). The symbol of 2023 is a Water Rabbit who’s natural element is Wood. The first day of Chinese New Year always begins on the new moon that appears between January 21st and February 20th. Keep reading for insights into all the animals of the Chinese Zodiac from Judith Wendell.

In the Chinese culture, Rabbits represent the moon. Some say it is because the shadows of the moon resemble a Rabbit. Others say it is because of the Rabbit’s pure characteristics. As the Rabbit is a symbol of fertility, this is a powerful year to start new business ventures, and will be beneficial for those wanting to have children.

The Chinese New Year holiday comes to its climax with the Lantern Festival, celebrated on February 5th, 2023 – considered the beginning of spring. The festival began over 2000 years ago, and has developed many meanings. It celebrates family reunions and society and features traditions like moon gazing, lighting lanterns, riddles, lion dances and eating rice balls. Another piece of trivia is that the Yellow King, who was the first king of China, was inaugurated in 2697 B.C making this the year 4720.

General Indicators for this Year

  • Taking a look back, the Year of the Rat (2020) was about survival – fortunately rats are good at that. However they are also good a spreading disease which we certainly found out. The Year of the Ox (2021) was about grounding in a new reality. Fortunately the Ox had his nose to the ground and kept us plodding away. 2022, the Year of the Tiger, was about making changes and taking new risks. Now in 2023, we have the Rabbit known for its wit and agility to stay out of trouble. Hence we hope the world manages to appease the many dangers that are a foot. The overall 2023 is likely to be more gentle and calm compared to previous years.
  • The Rabbit is a yin Wood element by nature, represented by plants and flowers. This is a Water element year again this year and as Water nurtures Wood, it has the potential for us to be kinder to our planet. Additionally the element of Water is one of diplomacy and thus there may be hope for some of the opposing forces in the world to find a way to work together. This is especially true of this year’s yin Water which is gentle like a pond or stream as opposed to last year’s yang water which was dynamic, like an ocean or powerful waterfall. (Read about the qualities of the 5 Elements – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal here
  • For career or financial success in 2023, astrologers suggest that plans for improvement or development should be initiated early in the year to ensure their best success rate – just as most foliage and blossoms thrive in spring and summer.
  • Water tends to find its way around things and is also known to bind things together. Hence this Rabbit year has further associations with love and fertility.
  • Rabbits do not like to argue, preferring peace and quiet. Tehyare good listeners, excellent negotiators and tend to work well on a team. Again, hopefully we will see more resolution to fighting the the world this year.
  • The Rabbit year should offer many of the zodiac signs good opportunities for new social contacts and romance.

Rabbit Friends and Foes:

  • Dog is the best friend of the Rabbit.
  • The Ram and Pig are in 3 Harmony the Rabbit – an enviable position.
  • Rooster is directly opposite and in conflict with the Rabbit and the Rat and the Horse are at a right angle thus offending the Rabbit. These sign need to take care.
  • A few famous people born in the year of the Rabbit are: Albert Einstein, Frank Sinatra, Benedict XVI, Michael Jordan, George Orwell, Angelina Jolie, Novak Djokovic, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Ralph Lauren, Quentin Tarantino, Tiger Woods, Kate Winslet, and David Beckham.


Each zodiac animal has its own qualities that are consistent year to year, yet every sign will be influenced by the Rabbit’s energy this year. Below are some insights for each zodiac animal in 2023. Please note that fortunes can be reduced or enhanced with Feng Shui, rituals, meditations and transcendental adjustments, and all people have their own karma to consider.

RAT – 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Rats are charming creatures with a large dose of intelligence. They are independent and have a sharp eye for detail. Rats are warm-hearted and opportunistic and at times stubborn perfectionist. Yet Rats also have a great ability to be adaptive problem solvers. The Rat has great affinity with the Ox, Dragon and Monkey.

Rats have a very mixed astrology this year. You are opposed to Rabbits hence there could be a number of challenges – yet as the same time there are a few lucky stars shining that will ameliorate those challenges. Carry out all ventures with care and prudence and your can avoid may problems with potential foes. Your career could find direction and excel, while there is also potential for romance if you are unattached; while those that are, should be careful to not get involved with anyone outside their relationship. 2023 could be a very transformational year.

OX – 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The Ox is dependable, earnest and conservative. They work logically and hard to accomplish their goal. Ox generally don’t form many close relationships but are reliable, loving partners. They’re logical, yet sometimes display tempers. You’re in 3 harmony with the Rooster and Snake and the Rat is a best friend – unfortunately none of these are great friends of the Rabbit.

Much like the Rat you are having a mixed year of lucky and unlucky stars in your astrology, but change is definitely on the horizon. Although there may challenges, things usually turn out for the better. Remember to stay steady at work and harmonious at home as these areas pose challenges. If you stay mindful, plan carefully and execute slowly, you’ll ride through any difficulties.

TIGER – 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The wonderfully intense vitality of the Tiger makes them both passionate and optimistic. Tigers can easily sway a crowd but it’s best if they avoid extremes. They are born leaders yet need to listen as much as take charge. Tigers will fight for their own rights and for the rights of those they love. The most compatible signs for the Tiger are the Pig, Dog and Horse.

2023 takes a better turn, or at least you’re moving in the right direction after the pressures of your own year in 2022. This is a good year to make new connections and build on your reputation and respect. However, rumors snd rivalries may surround you, so stand your ground when others try to sway your opinion. Remember to control your temper with partners and be mindful of your health as it relates to your immune system. Progress may not be rapid this year, but again it’s going in the right direction.

RABBIT – 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Rabbits are kind, graceful and sensitive yet sometimes overly sensitive to criticism. They have good judgment in business and in general. Yet, although Rabbits are good providers for their family, they are not particularly family oriented. The best partners for the Rabbit are the Rams, Dogs and Pigs.

You are in the Tai Sui position, meaning you are sitting atop of the Year God – indicating a year of fluctuations. Highs may be high but lows may be quite low. here are two auspicious stars that will watch over Rabbits in 2023, although there are less than auspicious stars at play as well. Health, expenses, and safety are areas the Rabbit needs to keep a careful eye over. Yet, your career should see timely help from one or more mentors. Generally Rabbits should keep a positive disposition, show patience through difficult times and thus attract the right energy to sustain you through the next 12 year cycle.

DRAGON – 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

The intelligent, energetic Dragon has high standards for themselves and others. When they are not too demanding, they have the potential to accomplish great things. Dragons don’t accept defeat easily and will come to your rescue when in need. Your most compatible signs are the Monkey, Rat and Snake.

This will be less of an ideal year for Dragons as you are one of the Rabbit’s foes. The saying goes, “When Dragon and Hare meet, tears won’t cease to flow.” Be very mindful of your health. And although your love life may not flourish, there are benefactors in your career pursuits. This year will have its challenges but also some auspicious aspects, along with the help of others, will get you through. Most importantly, you are advised to remain still even if it feels difficult.

SNAKE – 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

The Snake is known for its passion, talents, tenacity and is fortunate in having most of its needs met. They are always planning and are quite alert and observant. The best partners for Snakes are the Ox, Rooster and Dragon.

The Snake is enjoying a good year at work with finances improving particularly from foreign shores. As a matter of fact all travel, for whatever reason, is well aspected for this year. It is also a good year to pursue creative projects. However be aware that discord may ensue at work and in romantic connections. Do not give in to the impulse to try to resolve things quickly. You’re advised to remain still even when it feels difficult. Stay steady and let things resolve naturally.

HORSE – 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

The Horse is a social, optimistic and non-conforming animal. Their changeable nature needs plenty of stimulation. Happiness is more of a motivation than wealth or fame. They can anger quickly but are just as quick to forgive and forget. The Horse is most compatible with the Tiger, Dog and Ram.

The Horse is at a 90 degree conflict with the Rabbit. This would normally not be a good year however auspicious stars shine brightly on you. Thus your career, status and finances should be looking up. If there are gossip and rumors lurking about – don’t pay them any mind or get involved. Romantically things are looking good as well. If single and you have an opportunity with someone interesting – jump in. Your health should be relatively stable but be mindful of any small symptoms.

RAM – 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

The Ram (sometimes referred to as a Goat) is a sensitive, good-natured and creative animal. The good seminarian of the zodiac yet she/he can also be uncommunicative. They preserve through difficulties, having high tolerance and motivation. Rams can pursue with confidence any career that uses their artistic skills or their love of caring for others.  Ram’s best friend is the Horse and is in 3 Harmony with the Rabbit and Pig.

Being in 3 harmony with the Rabbit and Pig makes this year a happy and successful one. Career advancement, wealth and good fortune are on the horizon. Marital life will be stable and singles have the potential to meet many new suitors this year. But as alway there are a few cautionary notes. Pay attention while driving to avoid any potential accidents, do not let yourself be overworked or take on too much burden this year. Lastly, moderate your spending so it doesn’t deplete earnings. Fortunately the positive presence of auspicious stars can transform most adversity and danger into safety and positivity.

MONKEY – 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Versatile Monkeys use their lively, clever and ambitious personalities to their advantage. They can do most things well and no challenge is too great for them. As a result they can be arrogant. However, they view everyone as a teacher and willing to listen to critique and learn from their mistakes. Your good friends are the Dragon and Rat, but Monkeys are very much in demand. Only Snakes and Tigers do well to avoid them.

Prosperity is at hand this year with the support of benefactors to offer assistance. However stay out of new business partnerships and guard against loss of wealth. Seize good opportunities, manage finances cautiously and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Stay on your toes and all will work out.

ROOSTER – 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

The Rooster is a talkative perfectionist who is known for directness and hard work. They need to keep their emotions in check especially around other Roosters. They also have a need for loved ones to validate and encourage them. Your compatible signs are the Snake, Ox and Dragon.

Rooster are in direct conflict with the Rabbit (the Tai Sui or year god) thus all areas of your life may be challenged and there will be a lot to navigate. The best advice is to stay put and keep a low profile this year. Also make sure your Feng Shui adjustments and protections are in place. This is a good year to learn something new. Personal growth will serve you will in the future.

DOG – 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

Dogs are loyal and likable, intelligent and morally sound. They are diplomatic in all their dealings but if that fails you may get to see their lovely teeth. Dogs are not materialistic but always provide for their loved ones. Dogs are compatible with the Horse, Rabbit and Tiger.

There is a Chinese saying, “ When Hare and Dog are together, they will enjoy a life of good fortune.” As Dogs are the BFFs of the Rabbit, you will enjoy a year of financial luck. It is a great year for investments and new enterprises. Auspicious stars will avert any misfortune. Benefactors, romantic partnerships and travel are all well aspected. Just be careful not to burn out from work, get into quarrels or participate in wasteful spending.

PIG – 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

The intelligent, generous and likable Pig is a pleasure seeker who is not opposed to hard-work. Pigs seek universal harmony and sometimes can be overly generous or promise more than they can deliver. You are most compatible with Rabbits, Rams and Tigers.

Being in the 3 Harmony position along with the Rabbit and Ram, this year has the promise of being especially good. if in business, promotions and new clients are well aspected. If in school, exams should go well. If single, this may be your year to find that one and only. But pay attention to your health. Slowing down can prevent avoidable illness or mishaps. Enjoy your year!

Insuring your ‘Earth Luck’ with specific Feng Shui recommendations for your home and/or office will maximize your Year of the WATER RABBIT.

Judith Wendell holds a three-year accredited degree from the BTB Feng Shui Professional Program. Her knowledge of both classical Flying Star and Form School feng shui inform all her consultations. She brings a successful career in fashion as well as training in interior design and a life long interest in architecture to her work - recognizing that beauty and order are integral to well being and success.  She has appeared in numerous well-respected publications. She provides month to month readings of Chinese Animal’s Astrology and Nine Star Ki Numerology for her clients via Zoom.

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